Chapter 2

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Harry stands at the door, wearing a basically see-through white top and tight black skinny jeans, his tattoos on display for all to see. That fucking perve, he would walk in right as I'm changing! I bet he won't even have the decency to walk out or avert his eyes. He's probably comparing my boobs to all the other women he's fucked.

"Oh my god I am so sorry, I didn't know that anyone was in here," Harry says and to my surprise, he closes his eyes and makes to back away. God has he gotten so big-headed that he won't even consider sleeping with members of the general public. He's even worse than I thought, a manwhore and a classist asshole. "I can leave if you want, while you get changed that is. You know what I'll leave, just shout out when it's ok for me to come back in." 

I can't believe that happened! How am I going to be able to complete the interview now that Harry has seen me half-naked and has made it clear that he finds me so repulsive that he, notorious for sleeping with anything with a pulse, won't even give me a second look?

I quickly throw on my shirt, making sure that I at least look somewhat presentable before calling back to Harry that it's ok to come in. Of course, I would much rather he wait until I've packed up all my stuff but I don't want to risk angering him anymore. I need to at least get something productive out of tonight and I know that there'd be no chance of that happening if I piss off a key member of the band. This, unfortunately, means that I have to be nice to him, even though he doesn't deserve it.

"I just wanted to apologize again for walking in on you before. I swear I had no clue anyone was in here."

"It's all good, I mean I probably should have locked the door," I reply through gritted teeth. I really don't want to make small talk with him right now but I also know that I have to find some way to smooth this over before the interview. So I bite the bullet, if only for my career.

"What are you even doing in here anyway?" Harry askes, which in my opinion is incredibly rude of him. I don't owe anyone an explanation as to why I was getting changed in an old, dingy bathroom, let alone him. I have to physically restrain myself from telling him to mind his own goddamn business.

"Someone spilled their drink all over me and I wanted to clean off before the end of the show."

"Oh, that's it? Thank god I thought you were press or something. You do know this is a staff bathroom right?"

That makes me stop. Harry is obviously very opposed to the press, which surprises me. I thought that an attention seeker like Harry would love the press and the media but he seems to hate it almost as much as I hate being here. If Harry hates the press so much am I really going to get any important information from my interview? I don't know what I will do if this whole thing turns out to be a waste of time. What if I... no I couldn't that would be unprofessional, not to mention unethical. But... it would work wouldn't? And imagine what it would do for my career! If a simple interview could guarantee me access to any story I want, imagine what an exclusive like this could do for me.

"No, no press just me," I reply, forcing myself to fake a giggle. For this to work, I need Harry to like me and the only way that will happen is if I act like the dumb bimbos who hang all over him. I feel guilty doing this but at the same time I get excited by the sheer thought of the benefits this could have.

How am I going to do this though? It's pretty clear that there's no way I can continue to do the interview, not after lying straight to Harry's face, so I have to find some other way to get information. He's not going to speak to me as a reporter and he's definitely not going to spill his guts to a stranger in the toilets, fuck I did not think this through! Ok, think Alanah, who would you share your deepest darkest secrets to? Someone I trust?

Yes! that's it, I have to get him to trust me! But how? How do I get someone who has literally been brought up to be cautious around strangers to trust me? It's clear that a 5-minute discussion in a bathroom isn't going to lead to the formation of some magical connection so I'm going to have to somehow orchestrate another meeting, cause that's going to be super easy. I mean I guess I could leave something here, something so important that he would be forced to find me and give it back, like my wallet maybe? That would only work if Harry was a good person, which he is most definitely not, but what else am I going to do? It's too late to turn back now and a bad plan is better than no plan I guess? Fuck either I do this or walk back to James empty-handed, which is a sure-fire way to lose my job. Guess I'm leaving behind my wallet, let's just hope that it's my lucky day.

"Sorry I didn't realise this was for staff, just let me pack up my stuff and I'll be out of your hair."

I start collecting all my things purposely leaving my wallet on the counter, making sure it can be seen but is hidden enough that he will only find it once I leave the bathroom. Once I have successfully hidden my wallet and grabbed the rest of my stuff I turn and walk out of the room before Harry speaks causing me to pause.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about before," Harry says to me as I leave and I almost believe the sincerity in his voice.

"Don't worry about it, I hope you have a good time on the rest of the tour."


"Alanah I can't believe you! You said you had this covered! I know that you were unhappy about this but for fucks sake you can't just not turn up for an interview like that. Not only have you embarrassed yourself but you've also embarrassed the company." James roars at me as soon as I enter his office. I knew he would be angry but I didn't expect this. James' entire face has gone bright red and he looks as if he is about 5 seconds away from murdering me.

"No James you don't understand, I..."

"I don't want to hear it! I stick my neck out for you, give you a massive opportunity and you throw it away all because you don't like some stupid band. You obviously don't have what it takes to become a reporter."

My blood goes cold. Is he really going to fire me? What if after everything I've done, all the lying and manipulating just leads to me losing my job.

"No I do, I promise I do and I can prove it!"

"Oh, can you? The only way you could possibly prove to me that you are cut out for this job is if you could get me the interview."

"I can't get you the interview but I can get you something better. I can get you an exclusive look into the ins and outs of One Direction."

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