Chapter 4

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It's a good thing Harry left when he did because Kayla turns up less than 30 minutes later to, predictably, talk about her newest juice cleanse. I let her rant about how awful her latest juice concoction was and how she will never do another cleanse or ridiculous detox again. She says this every time but I try to nod my head in all the right places anyway. Over the 7 years I've known Kayla I've learnt that it's better to let her rants run their course and to not get involved, otherwise you never hear the end of them. Kayla and I have been friends since the first day of freshman year and have been inseparable ever since despite the fact that we're so different. I've always been so driven, well everyone else says scarily ambitious but I prefer driven, while Kayla prefers to go with the flow. That's not to say she's not hard-working, she takes her job as a designer very seriously, it's more that she prefers to see where life takes her, which is kind of the opposite to me.

"...So basically this will be the last time I take any advice from 'Goop', really I should have learnt from the jade egg incident." Kayla continues, finally nearing the end of her rant.

"Right well while you were invested in your newest cleanse I actually came into possession of two backstage tickets to the One Direction concert tomorrow night."

"YOU GOT WHAT!!!! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET BACKSTAGE TICKETS TO A ONE DIRECTION CONCERT?!" Kayla basically shouts at me and I don't think I've ever seen her this excited, not even when she got her first car and that's saying something. I always knew that she was a One Direction fan but I never really considered how much she liked them. If her reaction to getting these tickets is anything to go off it seems as if she loves them more than her own family.

"Well it's kinda a long story but let's just say that I got them from a friend."

And after today that doesn't really feel like a lie, sure maybe an exaggeration but definitely not a lie. My sudden fondness for Harry has left me completely disoriented and I'm honestly so confused. This whole time I have held such distaste for Harry but today my feelings have done a complete 180, so much so that I find myself actually excited for the concert. Not because of my career or the music, but because I generally want to see him again. I never wanted to become another one of those crazy One Direction fangirls but I feel myself being drawn in by the massive gravitational pull of the pop culture icons. These thoughts and emotions scare me so much that I have to remind myself that this is just for an article, that my strong emotions are coming from my investment in my career and nothing more. This is just an article, nothing more, nothing less.

"A friend? When did you get a friend rich and influential enough to get you One Direction tickets? Do I know them?"

"No... well not personally." I don't like lying to Kayla so I try my best to twist my words in a way that omits the fact that Harry gave me the tickets but still tells the truth. I know I would never hear the end of it if Kayla found out what really happened and I honestly just don't have the energy to deal with that right now.

"Ahh! I don't even care how you got the tickets, I just can't believe I get to see them live!"


Arriving at tonight's concert is a totally different experience from last time. For starters, I'm actually excited to be here but also the atmosphere is unbelievable. While backstage has a frantic and chaotic energy similar to the mosh pit, it seems almost controlled in a way. Every action has its own purpose as groups of seemingly unrelated people come together to create the show. It all seems so much more impressive when you see how everything comes together and get the opportunity to interact with the people who make sure everything runs smoothly, at least to me anyway.

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