Chapter 5

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"Thank you so much, this is so thoughtful of you." I'm struck by the fact that Harry must have been listening to me yesterday and was apparently paying enough attention to notice which books I did and didn't own. Harry probably interacts with hundreds of people on a daily basis so the fact that he considers our conversation important enough to remember, flatters me. While logically I know that I'm not actually important to him, I can't help but feel as if I matter somehow.

"It was no problem. Hopefully, we can discuss it sometime." He replies and I can't stop myself fixating over the fact that this is the second time Harry has mentioned another possible meet up between us. Does he want to actually get to know me? Surely not.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kayla move off, probably to explore more. It wouldn't surprise me if she was actively searching out the other boys. I just hope that if she does find any of them she doesn't make a fool out of herself by coming off as a massive fangirl.

"I would really love that Harry."

We begin discussing Haruki Murakami and his unique writing styles again, picking up just where our previous conversation left off. It feels great to finally be able to talk about this with him, everyone else I know seems to brush me off whenever I even bring up Haruki Murakami's name. These books are such a big part of my life and finally being able to share that connection with somebody is all I've ever wanted. I never in my life thought that person would be Harry, but I can honestly say that I haven't clicked with somebody this much since I met Kayla.

"Sorry to interrupt but Harry you really need to be getting ready, there's only 30 minutes till the show starts." Jen comes up to us, obviously frazzled by the fact that Harry is apparently not ready to go out on stage yet.

"Crap, 30 minutes already, I'll head over to the green room now. Thanks for informing me." Harry replies, causing Jen to make her way back over to the group of people checking a series of computer screens.

"Do you want to come with me?"

"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose. Can't have me being the reason you keep thousands of people waiting."

"Nah you wouldn't be imposing," Harry remarks, heavily implying that he wants to continue talking to me. And it's not like I'm going to say no, I mean the more information I can get from him the better. I try to ignore the voice in the back of my head telling me that I genuinely want to talk to him and focus on taking in as much information as I can.

"So this green room is a little small compared to some of the others we've used but overall it's quite nice. Hopefully, it's not too messy at the moment, I mean it wasn't before I left but who knows what Niall and Louis have done to it." Harry continues his stream of consciousness as he leads us through the stadium. We take so many twists and turns that I have no clue where I am in regards to the stage and know that there's no chance I'll be able to make my way back on my own. I never realised how big this place is, I hope Kayla didn't get lost or anything.

We eventually arrive at the green room and I find myself extremely nervous to enter. This is definitely not something I've ever experienced before. Sure I've met heaps of celebrities, I live in New York for god sakes and James always seems to give me the interviews with the latest celebrity icon, but I've never been able to get so close to someone living in the spotlight. Never have I been invited into such a private place and I don't know how to act. Knowing I will have to exploit the trust Harry has placed in me for my article fills me with unexpected guilt, and this paired with my nerves makes me freeze up. How am I going to carry out a normal conversation with this guilt swirling in my stomach. Sure it was fine when we were just talking but now that it's clear Harry trusts me I don't know what to do, especially when I feel this guilty.

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