Character Introductions

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Our characters. Everyone else is owned by Rick!

Clover Chase:
Alivia created this character. Clover is the younger sister (by two years) of Annabeth Chase. Naturally, she is the daughter of Athena and Fredrick Chase. She is smart and the know-it-all of the group. And, may I add, BSF to Will and Missy.

Missy Jackson:
Marvelly made this character. She is named Medusa, since one of her eyes are grey and can turn people to stone temporarily. She covers that up with an eyepatch or more commonly in public, one of those eye color changer things(idk what they're called lol) Missy is the sarcastic, funny, and possibly the best character in this series. The twin to Percy Jackson himself!

Created by Kayleigh. That annoying, sarcastic son of Hermes. Missy finds him stealing some stuff and takes him in. Will and him become good friends, but Clover originally resents him. After a while, she gets used to his annoying tactics and they become good friends.
But him and Missy become even better friends...

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