Chapter 9: Clover Chase

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I tried pushing my way through the police until I had had enough.

I punched the one in the gut then ran to the beach.

I pulled out my axe, but by the time I reached there, Ares was gone and Missy was as well.

"Missy?" I called.

Someone tapped my shoulder, and I screamed.

"Hi." Missy said, smirking.

"You gave me a flipping heart attack!" I shout.

I glanced over at Percy, who was already running.

"We've got to catch them!" I said.

Missy nodded and we ran, but one of the cops caught my arm.

"GUYS!" I shout. They spun around.

"This is her, sir." the cop said.

"Punching cops is not acceptable." the cop said.

"Got it. Trying to save the world, bye!" I said quickly, kicking him to let me go. He wailed and I sprinted away. "We have to go!" I say

"Good idea." Missy said.

"I know, I'm full of them." I said, smirking.

Missy rolled her eye that was visible. "WILL! LIAM! Get over here!" she shouted.

Will and Liam walked over casually.

"Hurry up!" I complain.

"Why?" Liam asked.

"Because I said so!" I say, glancing at the cops that were already beginning to advance on us.

"Hurry, hurry!" Missy said, beginning to run. I quickly followed, not even glancing back to see if Will and Liam were following.

Will and Liam, Liam unfortunately, caught up to us quickly.

"Annabeth!" I shout.

"Percy!" Missy shouted.

But they were already gone. We slowed our pace. I cursed out loud, kicking up a bit of sand.

"Clo..." Missy said.

"Don't call me that." I said firmly.

"Try me, sis!" Missy said sassily, placing a hand on her hip and another on her eyepatch.

I sighed. "I am sorry. Its just-"

"Yeah. Did you forget Percy is my twin too?" Missy asked.

"I-" I huffed and turned around, facing none of them. I could hear their whispers; quiet and quick.

"Clover..." Will said softly. "Maybe we should just talk about this?"

"What is there to talk about? Annabeth and I just reunited and now she could die!" I say, choking back tears.

"Well, none of you would be on this quest if it weren't for me." Missy mumbled.

"Medusa Jackson not everything is about you!" I shouted.

"I was the first one to notice Luke's suspicious activity! You're just tagging along!" Missy shouted back.

"That's not entirely true!" I say.

"Ladies-" Liam cut in.

"Shut up Liam!" we both shout.

He paled and slowly backed away. Will placed a shoulder, reassuringly, on his shoulder.

I faced Missy, my face red with anger.

"Missy, I have always considered you my best friend. Yet, I have never seen you like this. Maybe I was wrong." I say and begin walking away. I wipe away the tears from my eyes quickly and run into the woods, climbing a tree and sitting high up in it.

After a few minutes, possibly an hour, Will came through the woods.

"CLOVER?" He shouted.

"What?" I asked.

"Clover it's been 45 minutes... come back?" Will asked. He looked up at me.

"Why? So, Missy can yell at me some more? I don't think so." I say.

"She feels guilty too Clove. You've gotta come back though. If you don't... what'll Annabeth think?" Will reasoned.

I shrugged. "I'll come back on one occasion." I say defiantly. "Missy has to apologize. AND step it down a notch with the sass." 

Hey! Kayleigh here! This chapter was written by Alivia and edited by me. We all apologize that this is short but I think I'll edit another chapter or more and upload them! 



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