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I laid in the bed with the man I had only met 12 hours prior. My lip trembled as I came to the realization of what I had just done. I cheated on my husband, I betrayed him.

What if he divorces me? Should I tell him? Should I just let it go? Do I leave the bed? Do I wait until this stranger wakes up?

It was all a mistake- I swear.

After I left my house, I got in the car and just started driving. It was still raining, the roads were slippery and I could feel the burning sensation at my eyes. I needed to stop.

I drove into a Target parking lot and began to sob uncontrollably. I realized that I was not only crying about the argument that had just happened, but also about all the things I had let slide.

When he called me useless yesterday, stupid the day before that.

Thrown my phone out the car window a week ago, which made me go buy another.

His temper had always got the best of him, he never put his hands on me though. Lord knows if he ever tried, there would be a huge problem.

5 or so minutes passed by and I was wiping away my tears. I put the key in the ignition and prepared to go back home, until I heard a knock on my window.

I jumped and looked to my left to see a man standing there with a concerned look on his face. He was light skin with black dreads that were nearly shoulder length. He smiled and I got to see his dark blue braces. Not gonna lie, he was extremely attractive, which is probably why I rolled down the window for him.

"Yes?" I asked

The rain was starting to slack up now, the sun was peering out of the grey clouds and shined on his face (which made him look all the more attractive).

"I'm sorry, it's just I seen you crying a second ago. Are you okay?"

His voice had a slight accent, I knew he was from somewhere down south.

"I'm fine"

I was just about to roll up my windows...until

"You sure? Looks like something is bothering you. Wanna talk about it?"

I didn't respond, and I'm guessing he saw my wedding ring because he asked if it had anything to do with my significant other. I don't know why, but I bursted out crying and nodded.

Before I knew it, he was in the car with me. Rubbing my shoulders and consoling me.

"It's okay, what happened?" The stranger asked with a concerned tone in his voice.

I explained everything, not leaving out one detail. I went on about how my husband has been making me feel, and how bad his temper was.

"You shouldn't be treated like this. What's your name?"

And then it dawned on me, I had told this stranger all my business and he doesn't even know my name and I don't know his.

"It's Riele, what's yours?"

"Nick, but people call me Nahmir."

We smiled at each other. That's when everything went down hill. From there we went for a walk, then to a bar, and somehow ended up at his house, then to his bed, now to the next morning.

And I'm ashamed to say talking is not all we did.


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