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I sat at a table with the man I had just met. He offered to take me to lunch, and I was hungry so I went.

The restaurant was in walking distance, and you could eat outside so I decided I would have a quick lunch with him, considering he helped me with the rest of my boxes and things after I fell.

"You sure you're okay? That fall looked like it hurt" He asked once we ordered our drinks.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you again....?"

"Taymor" He said

I felt embarrassed, I'm usually good with names.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I usually can remember people's names pretty well" I said, hiding my face in my hands.

He moved my hands from my face, forcing me to look at him.

"That's okay." He reassured with a deep voice and a smile.

Chile I- Lemme stop.

"So um" I said quickly, pulling my hands away and trying to act cool, "You live around here, Im guessing"

"Yep, right across from where I seen you fall" I felt embarrassed again, but he laughed so I did the same.

"Yeah, I'm moving back into my old home" I informed him, trying to change the subject.

I immediately regretted what I said, now he's gonna ask why and I really don't wanna go into that.

"That's wassup" he said.

Oh.....I need to stop prejudging people.

"So Riele, what's a beautiful girl like you doing moving boxes all by yourself though? No man?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Maybe I prefer being independent, you know, don't need no man" I said with a hint of sass in my tone.

He put his hands up in a surrender and snickered.

"Yeah I bet, that was just my attempt of flattering you"

"You should try again" I laughed a bit and waited for his second attempt.

I could tell he was gathering his thoughts, and then he spoke, "You're extremely beautiful. I don't want this to be the last time we talk. Do you have a boyfriend?"

I don't know why, but my mind flashed to Nahmir. Odd. I would have thought it would be Jace I would think about.

"I'm separated from my husband right now."

"Getting a divorce?"

"That's the plan"

"Does that mean we can keep seeing each other?" He asked, sounding a bit hopeful I might add.

I decided on playing with him, just a little.

"I mean, I am still married" I said with a slight smirk.

It was funny, considering I was seeing Nahmir while I was married.

"Not for long though, according to you" He said, putting on the same smirk.

Our drinks came out and we decided on ordering. I ordered pasta while Taymor got a burger and fries.

"Back to our conversation" He started, taking a sip from his drink. "Will you allow me to....keep seeing you?"

He sounded so awkward and shy when he said it, which made him seem even more attractive.

"I mean, I guess it's no harm. Nothing serious though."

"No relationship?" He asked.

"Not until the divorce is final, and assuming we both want a relationship" I clarified. "You could find a better girl than me"

"Nah, you could find another man though" And that's when my mind went back to Nahmir. "Or you could go back to your husband"

I was taken back at his comment. "NEVER THAT!" I said a little too loudly.

He bursted out laughing. "He must have hurt you ma"

That nickname....it's just- lemme stop.

"Yeah, but we not gon get into it"

He shrugged "Fine with me."

After a few more minutes of conversation, our food came out and we ate.

There were laughs and flirting, and honestly I have never felt this good in a long time.

"Can I have your number?" He asked me, with his head down a little.

We were near my house now.

I nodded and locked myself into his phone.

He gave me a little kiss on the cheek and ran across the street to his home.

And that's when I got a phone call from Nahmir.


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