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"Lord, please forgive me. What if my husband finds out? Should I tell him? I can't" I paced around Nick's bedroom, waiting for him to get up. I would have left a while ago but I remember him putting my phone and my keys up for me and I have no idea where he put them.

"Okay okay okay" I said to myself, "This was a one time thing. A mistake. Jace will never find out."

I sat on the edge of the bed, fighting back tears. "I just need to think of a lie"

"Say you slept at a hotel" I heard a raspy voice say. I jumped a little and quickly looked back to see Nick yawning.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You heard that?"

"Of course" He said, now stretching. "Stop stressing, I thought you said he stayed out all night last weekend"

"He did"

"So what you feel bad for? He probably cheated on you. Now you cheated on him, now y'all even."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "This is wrong"

"No it's not." He said, finally getting out the bed and smirking as he walked over to me. I took the time to look at his body, he looked good.

Though he just woke up, he looked amazing.

"He hurts you Riele"

"You just met me, last night matter of fact. You don't know me!" I exclaimed

"I know enough about your relationship, you told me"

"You are a stranger, Nick. This was a one time thing. A mistake."

"This ain't the last time. Trust me." He went in his draw and got my keys and phone.

"Be safe. And call me"

"I'm not calling you Nick. I don't know you" I said, taking my stuff.

"You knew me last night, especially when you were telling me all your problems. You'll call me, I know you will".

"I won't" I put on my shoes and got ready to go

"You deserve better than him" He walked me downstairs and to my car.

"How would you know? We met last night, I keep telling you that."

He laughed a little and watched me pull off, mouthing the words "See you later".

The whole drive home consisted of me nervously biting my lip. I checked my phone at every red light, seeing the hundreds of messages and phone calls my husband had left.

I had about 5 minutes left of my drive and I needed to come up with a lie.

Say I went to a hotel? My mom's house? My sister's house?

Or maybe I should just say I stayed with a friend. That's all imma say. No more details.

And anyways, last week he left and didn't tell me anything. I don't owe him anything.

Or maybe I do, we're married.

I pulled into our house and just sat in the car for a little while. I thought about Nick, and what he said.

I sighed and and got out the door and rushed into the house. Jace was sitting at the table in the dining room, drinking coffee with a small blue gift bag next to him.

He saw me and I expected to be yelled at, but he just got up and hugged me.

"I missed you. Are you okay?" I was stunned.

"Yeah babe I'm fine. What's in the bag?"

I looked in the bag and saw a mug identical to the one my great grandma gave me.

"BABE! Thank you so much. It's so nice"

I kissed him and gave him such a big hug. It wasn't the one my grandma gave to me, but I appreciated the gesture. And then I felt really bad, I cheated on him and he was trying to make it better.

"Yeah, it was really cheap. I don't understand why you were so upset over it."

Then I stopped. And suddenly all my guilt was leaving. I crossed my arms. "What?"

"I'm just saying it was-"

"Shut up Jace. Seriously, shut up before we argue again"

I walked up to my office and slammed the door, locking it behind me.

Jace banged on the door for a little while, eventually giving up after a few minutes.

I sat at my desk and reflected upon my marriage. It was so amazing the first year. We were both working hard, trying to make our dreams become a reality. And then they did, and he threw himself into work. He started being secretive, staying out later. Getting angry at me and just started treating me terribly.

My phone vibrated.

It was Nick, and I was mad.

I called him.


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