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**3 months later**

I picked up my light green t-shirt from the floor and put it on quickly

"This is the last time" I mumbled to Nahmir, who was grinning while watching me scurry to leave.

"It's not though. I think we both know that."

I rolled my eyes and quickly got off the bed.

"Just embrace it Riele."

"No, Mir. I will not embrace anything! I'm serious, this is the last time. I love my husband"

"But does he love you?" He asked.
I paused for a second. Of course Jace loves me....right? Last week, I admit, he did say he wished we never would have gotten married...ONLY BECAUSE HE WAS MAD....there was no real truth to that statement.


"Divorce him Rie."

"No! I love him and we're gonna stay married"

"He treats you TERRIBLY! Why are you not leaving him? Not sticking up for yourself? Huh?"

"NICK WILL YOU JUST STOP IT? WE ARE OVER! DONE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

He was quiet after I said that.

"....I'm sorry" I felt really bad. I felt as if I was playing him.

"It's okay Rie. Cuz you're gonna call me later on today, you just watch."

I sighed, something in the back of my mind was telling me that he was right. I can't stay away from him. He treats me so good, and Jace treats me so bad.

But I can't keep doing this, it's wrong and I'm betraying my husband.

"Bye Nick."

I picked up my purse and jogged to the front door. I could hear him calling out "see you later" as I ran to my car.

It was around 10:00 in the morning and I told Jace I was having breakfast and a spa day with my sister. Obviously, that was a lie so I might as well go home. I'll just say the spa closed down today for some reason.

I pulled up at my house after a little while, and I noticed another car parked next to my husband's car.

"......odd" I said to myself

Now, I ain't no fool. This ain't his mama, sister, brother, daddy, cousin, or best friend's car.

So....put two and two together....what that mean?

There's a female in my house....most likely in my bed....stanking up my nice covers. But I can't be mad, after what I just did.

I got out the car and raced to my bedroom.

And what did I see? A girl in my bed....NOT JUST ANY GIRL THOUGH, MY ASSISTANT!

And sis was crying, so my husband most likely told her that they can't see each other again.

"Riele?! I'm so-"

"Save it" I said, cutting him off.

I have no right to be mad, or to go off like I want to for the girl being my assistant.

I been doing the same thing, we been running the same game on one another.

"How long this been going on?"


"Answer the question"

"A year" he admitted

Hm....at least I can say I was loyal longer than he was.

"Right. I'm not mad, but I will be leaving this house. Luckily for me, I kept that condo instead of getting rid of it, like you suggested"

"Rie" He said, with pleading eyes.

I thought about what Nick said.

"We need a divorce. We just aren't a good match."

"No....no please" He has began to cry

"You haven't been honest with me....I haven't been honest with you... What's the point?"

I looked at my assistant "You're fired Ms. Girl. In case you hadn't figured it out"

I looked back at Jace with a small smile "I'm free from you. Finally. Cuz though I've done wrong in this marriage too, you've been doing it longer than me. But I feel bad, I really do. I'm usually not that type of person"

"Riele we can put everything behind us. Seriously, start over"

"I don't need this, Jace I don't. This relationship isn't meant to be"

He kept on trying to talk me out of leaving.. It didn't work. I left that day, and was tempted to call Nick the day after.

But I didn't, instead, I ran into my second upcoming problem.

I was carrying the last box to my condo when my heel broke and I fell backwards onto my butt.

"AYE, YOU OKAY?" I heard from a distanced

Soon a pair of heavy hands lifted my off the ground.

I saw a brown skinned man, nice black hair with braces. His eyes were a beautiful dark brown and his lips were full and just gorgeous.

"You okay?"

"Yeah....Who are you, if I may ask?"

"Taymor, nice to meet you mamas"


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