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Felix's breath came out short and choppy, barely escaping his face mask as he followed the rest of the people on his flight down to where they'd get their baggage. He didn't know which other flights would be in the same room, but he and Seungmin were definitely in the same airport. In the same building.

He checked the board displaying which six flights' passengers' baggage would be in that room, pulling his mask away from his mouth to breathe a little once he'd separated from the huge group.


There it was. Los Angeles.

The room Felix was in would soon contain Seungmin, too. Felix looked out to see a large group of people enter, and he searched the sea of faces for the one fish he wanted to catch.

And, finally, Felix's eyes locked on one boy with purplish hair, the boy's eyes focused on the overhead signs, his lips pursed, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Seungmin was so much more beautiful in real life.

It was insane. Felix didn't think it was possible to fall deeper in love with him, but just the energy he felt from Seungmin was enough to daze him. Felix's legs carried him over, moving him behind Seungmin. His hands slid over Seungmin's eyes, blocking the younger's vision.

"Guess who," Felix said, struggling to maintain the stability of his voice... to no avail. He saw Seungmin's jaw drop. The palms of Felix's hands began sweating, and he hoped Seungmin wouldn't notice. Seungmin didn't, as far as Felix could tell. He seemed brain-dead, like everything in him had left in a sort of internal combustion.

Seungmin's voice cracked with sheer emotion as he rasped out one word. One name. One whole universe, so much meaning... and life... and love... and adoration.

So much waiting. For each other. For this one moment.


𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄. { seunglix } ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now