Part Seven

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{For all our days are passed away in thy wrath:}

      He had tried not to show his surprise at the new gadgets Jason had been throwing to his face but hearing Ghost’s voice was different.
“How come I can hear Ghost?”
“Remember it’s an open mission. We are now connected through Circle app. Everybody can also see what is going on” Mark said.
“But how?”
“You are really outdated Tamed. If you are surprise about this, what will you do when you see others” Fast spoke.
“I will update you later” Jason said.
“So what’s the distraction?”
“Flight 39” Jason responded bringing out something round from his big bag that was at the back of the van.
“No one will ignore this. It will give you enough time you need to enter the compound” Jason said.
“But what’s the function?”
“Distraction. What will you do if something round, glassy that glows spins into your compound?” Ghost said.
“It’s only Fast that can come up with this childish gadget” He said.
“I wish I can deny it” Fast said.
“It’s childish but works all the time. Foundation, eye pencil, red lipstick, purple lipstick, pink lipstick, mirror….”
“Ghost what are you saying?” he asked.
“There is one Alhaji on my radar. I’m looking through the things in the bag of his mistress, I need to check something on Alhaji using her phone. But this lady’s bag is just like her brain” Ghost answered.
“Ghost did you pickpocket her? That’s illegal” Wild said.
“You could have just hacked her phone to collect the information you need” Jason said.
“Pickpocketing is faster. Everybody has a gift, you use yours and leave me alone to use mine.. bingo…money, phone, more lipstick” Ghost said.
“So you have not changed, you are still the same person” he said.
“I have changed a lot, I have honed my skills. I can even pickpocket a lion’s meal. Major said it’s honing” Ghost answered.
“That was not what I meant. You are not supposed to harm a civilian in anyway, women must be protected” Major Ahmed joined the conversation.
“I was not even planning to take her bag, I was only tailing her, then I wanted to have a friendly chat with her but I changed my mind when she called me Aboki and asked for my wheelbarrow to convey her goods to her car.”
“What are you before, it’s Aboki not my friend anymore?” Doc said laughing.
“You've forgotten the wheelbarrow part?” Ghost answered.
“Your case is hopeless. Just update us on your findings” Wild said.
“Roger that” Ghost answered.
“I’ve activated it” Jason said.
“Okay send it to the compound” he said picking out weapons from his bag.
“I’m at your back” Jason said handing over their mission camera which he pinned on his chest.
“I need to get there same time as Flight 39. Once it gains entrance and a good number of them are distracted, I will enter. We must neutralize all before entering. The hostage is not being held at gun point. I don’t want any obstacle when bringing out the hostage. I will be front and you be my back as you said” he said wearing his bullet proof vest.
Jason did the same. It was a rule. Their number one rule during a rescue mission was to come back alive, they must prepare for any possibility. The first laser bullet found his targets just when he had come out of the van, the second one followed few seconds later. It was 7:37pm and it was already dark. Apart from the flame from the explosion, the compound was almost submerged in darkness, but he could still see the targets. The birds had night vision camera.
“Let’s move” he said carrying his bag and running towards Chief’s compound but using a bushy path.
He removed the spectacle as he ran, he was not yet used to it.
He got to the back of the compound after eleven minutes nonstop run.
“Jason, are you in position?” he asked.
He did not answer but he got his response when a beam touched his chest.
“Where the heck did you see somewhere high to climb so fast?” he asked.
“There are so many tall trees to choose from” Jason responded.
“Is anyone thinking something is wrong with Jason or I’m I the only one?” Ghost asked.
“Have you not met Cindy?” Doc said.
“But he had known Cindy all his life” Fast said.
“There is a difference from then and now, but you guys won’t understand” Major Ahmed said.
“Seriously? We are on a mission” Jason said.
He understood, he knew that feeling. Abigail did a lot on him. They had taunted him the way they were taunting Jason. He was nicknamed Beast by Major Ahmed when he newly joined the Special Force, it meant exactly the name, then it was Ghost who changed it to Tamed Beast three months before he married Abigail. Later, late George had changed it to Tamed. He touched his heart again but only felt the emptiness left there by Abigail.
“Major apart from Tamed, we were all in the wedding and I think somehow I understand. Cindy was so beautiful in that wedding dress. I was a bit jealous” Doc said.
“And Jason was smiling like a child about to receive his first Christmas gift from…what do you people call him?”
“Santa Claus…..” Mark said.
“That’s American name…it’s Father Christmas. I never knew Jason could smile until that day” Fast said laughing.
“Don’t worry Sabrina, you are going to look hotter on our wedding day” Mark said to Doc.
“Get lost Mark” Doc said.
“I love you too” Mark responded.
“Looks like I’m not the only hopeless one here” Ghost said.
“Mark. What’s the status? Over” he said.
Having those guys around before going out for a life and death situation always made someone feel at ease. It had always felt like he was just going to the supermarket to buy some goods. Now they were around during an open mission. He was beginning to feel something he could not explain.
“Surprisingly, Fast childish toy just arrived. Tamed you were very fast. I’ve ignited the light and it’s climbing its way into the compound. Over” Mark said.
“Use every means to get your work done. Whether childish or not. Talking of a child. Jason when am I going to be a godfather?” Fast asked.
“Jerk” Jason responded.
“Did everyone notice Jason did not deny it. Wow” Ghost said.
The next thing he heard were congratulations from different voices.
“I can’t believe I’m working with unserious soldiers. We are on a fucking mission. Wild please control your soldiers” he said.
“Ouch. Tamed that’s segregation, you know I’m a naval officer” Mark said.
“What of me? I’m from the air. Mark looks like we are not welcomed” Fast said.
“Mark and Fast stop segregating yourselves, everybody here belongs to the three. Congratulations Jason. I will be he or she or their combat trainer” Wild responded.
Even Wild was not helping.
“We are in. Over” Mark said.
Jason did not say any word. He had gone mute. He put on his spectacle and watched how the guards were responding to Flight 39.  It really worked as many of the guards moved towards it while pointing their weapons at it. The others pointed their weapons at the gate. From what he was seeing, few were missing and the small gate was partially opened. If he were to interpret it, some went to find out what was happening to the electric pole while the others were by the generator.
“I’m going in. Please how do I change the spectacle to normal? I need to use it for a clear vision” he asked.
“Press the middle button at your left” Mark answered.
“Done” he said already climbing the wall with his climbing tools. He quickly used his laser knife to cut out some barb wires.
He was in within five seconds and landed noiselessly on the ground same time one of them shot at Flight 39. He had landed at the end of the car park and stealthily walked towards where the generator was located. He knew he should be expecting some of the guards and he was ready with his suppressor which he had already locked onto the mount of his M1911 handgun. They were six of them. They had a bright torches and water pipes and they were trying to quench the flame that had already expanded as a result of the diesel in the generator.
“Jason engage those outside the gate. Do you copy?” he asked.
“Roger that” Jason responded.
Mark how many of them? Over” he asked keeping his voice low.
“Four. Over” Mark answered.
“Jason. Take the shot on targets. Do you copy?”
“Roger that” Jason answered.
Before Jason’s shot wrecked the almost peaceful night, he had shoot down three of them. He shot the ones farther from him. The remaining three were too shocked and not ready, one dropped his pipe and fired without cocking his gun. He was closest to him. He shot him on his head and dived left. A bullet missed him by millisecond, he fired back same time his body landed on the ground. The last one had just cocked his gun but he did not give him the chance as he fired at his legs then his chest as he went down.
  Gun shots from the other side meant it was not only Jason that was busy. The guards were firing sporadically.
“The four outside are gone, three inside have also been exterminated. That’s thirteen down remaining fifteen. Jason is preventing escape of the targets” Mark reported.
“The fire is spreading, you have to move fast. You can take cover using the cars at the car park. Right now two are shooting from there but they are backing the car park focusing on the gate. Thirteen more” Mark continued.
He moved towards the car park and saw the two men shooting towards the gate which was now wide open.
“Come out and face us you coward” one shouted as he shot. Jason picked out another one firing from the boy’s quarter. And just as he fired at the back of the one shouting, another one shooting from the duplex went down.
“Eleven more. Dodge Tamed” Mark said.
He acted immediately but at the same time, he fired at the second one by the car park who was already pointing his gun at him. But he was not the reason Mark had told him to dodge. The reason was already on the ground. There was a confidence one had knowing Jason was up.
“Nine more” Mark said same time bullets were released towards the car park.
Somehow, they had torches and had seen their colleagues die. The flame which had already seeped into the duplex was lightening the compound. He hid behind one of the cars. He could hear the sounds of bullets shattering the windscreen of the cars in the car park.
“Six more. Tamed go left, one foot horizontal and half foot vertical. Fire sideways” Mark said.
He quickly shifted by a foot and raised his hand a little high, without showing his face, he fired right then left. Immediately he shifted back to his position.
“Two more. One coming straight at you, he is off Jason’s radar. Now one more. Tamed he is all yours” Mark said.
“Come out, you fools and cowards. Come out and fight me like a man” the last man shouted as he fired.
He ignored him and waited for him to get within his reached. The man tried to fire but from the sound he heard there were no bullets. He did not give the man the chance to reload as he launched himself at him. He landed on top of the man. The man struggled to gain control but he was no match for him. He pulled out a knife from his shoe and sliced at the man’s throat. As the man struggled to close up the wound he picked up his gun, reloaded it and shot the man on his head.
“All have been exterminated and completely neutralized” Mark said.
I’m going over to the boys’ quarter. Jason back me up. Do you copy?” he asked.
Jason responded by pointing a beam of light on the door of the boys’ quarters just for a second then it disappeared. He would be scanning for further enemies.
“Guys, it’s a card key and there is no electricity to open it” he said.
“Use your laser knife” Wild said.
“You must hurry up, the fire is spreading fast and it will be bad if it gets to the car park” Mark said.
He opened his bag and brought out his laser knife. It was still fully charged. It took him a minute to slice through the lock. He found himself in what looked like the parlor. There were other doors leading to different room but only one door had same door as the entrance door. He used his laser knife to open the door lock.
“Hurry up, you have just two minutes left” Mark said as he entered the room.
Before his eyes registered what he saw, his hand had already pulled out the camera on his chest.
“What the heck!” he exclaimed.
“Tamed, why is your camera off?” Mark asked.
“Tamed what is going on?” Jason asked.
“Tamed say something. Do you copy?” Wild asked.
Others were also talking but he was frozen on the spot. He had been trained on how to carry out a rescue mission and things he was expected to see. He had done many himself and he had met hostages in a lot of dire situations but his fourteen years of training did not prepare him for the situation at hand.
There was definitely someone in the room but the person was not male, he was seeing a female with all kinds of injuries, both old and new, his night vision spectacle had made the image glaring. What was worse was she was naked.

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