Part Twelve

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{I turn my attention to all the outrageous violence that takes place, the tears of the victims, no one to comfort them; no one to rescue the victims from the oppressors.}

          Ghost was right. Halima could only be completely free if Chief and Ojogolo arms dealers were no more. But at the moment, they had not been given the Omega order because they were yet to discover the evidence needed for that. And it was a bit complicated because of Chief's status and also the fact that the president was not aware of the exact rescue mission they had carried out.
“Wild, Tamed and Doc, please update us on Halima. That’s the name you called her” Major said.
“I’ve been waiting for that one myself. Wild please explain what you did” he said.
“Doc first” Wild said.
“There is nothing to report medically. I took her blood sample which I will examine later. Right now, her new wounds have been treated, I gave her pain relieve drugs and antibiotics. I also gave her a tetanus injection. She must have slept off from the drugs. I could not go any further, she refused any further check-up. So I can’t say much for now” Doc said.
“She was okay when she was with Doc but Wild had made her go gaga” he said.
“Wild” Major said.
“Her case is very complex. You know how I always say I’m starting my debriefing with stage two?” Wild asked.
Everyone nodded.
“She is the first freed captive under us that we must start with stage one. I don’t even see stage one as debriefing. In fact she cannot be debriefed now.”
“Wild you know you are not making sense” he said.
“Tamed Halima cannot be debriefed because she is still a captive and no matter how we are going to tell her she is free from Chief, she will never believe us. Chief has done more than brainwashing. If Chief comes here and we bring her out to go free or go with Chief, she is going to choose Chief without a second thought. Her situation can be likened to a rat inside a drum and then almost immediately the drum is covered. It will jump and fall because the cover of the drum is obstructing his way to freedom. The rat will continue to do that and if someone opens the drum after a long time, the rat will still continue to jump and fall back. Once it get to that height it has always fallen down, it will fall back. It will never leave that drum because its brain has already been programmed that there is no escape. The only way to get that rat out is to turn the drum upside down.”
“Are you saying Halima is like a rat in a drum?” Doc asked.
“I wish I can say I’m not trying to compare both of them, but her current state is like that but with different solution.”
“Why do I feel I’m not going to like your solution” he said.
“We have two solutions, but I’m sure only the second one would give her a full recovery for debriefing.”
“Let’s hear you out” Major said.
“First is the normal protocol, the white man’s method. It’s a very long method where she will be made to meet a psychologist, including a psychiatrist who will be continuously and gradually making her know she is free. That can take a year or more for someone like Halima.”
“And your own self Nigerian theory?” he asked.
“I believe Halima can only be set free by her captor” Wild said.
“What!” he exclaimed.
He was not the only one shocked by Wild’s statement, from the reactions in everyone’s faces he could tell Wild just blew a bomb.
“Calm down, I’m not saying we need to bring Chief” Wild said.
“Wild you’ve always had one solution to all your puzzles and it was a waste of time studying psychology because nothing had changed. Don’t tell me you are planning on killing Chief in her presence so she will watch and see her tormentor die and with that she would know she is free?” he asked.
“That could be an option you know, in fact that is the fastest way, but no. That is not the second option Tamed.”
“Wild please set us free” Ghost said.
“Like I said, she can only be freed by her captor, right now she believe Chief is both her captor and savior and she fears Chief to the extent she is not afraid of us. She needs a new captor, a fake one.”
“Wild….” he said standing up.
“You choose the one you want. A year being her body guard or few weeks being her new captor and setting her free gradually.”
“I choose none. Let her be taken to our debriefing center at Abuja and join the others. The military has professional psychologist that will help her. There will also be enough medical equipment to examine her” he said.
“Tamed you’ve forgotten she doesn’t exist” Fast said.
“Don’t tell me you pyschos are buying Wild’s idea.”
“As much as it sound weird I think it’s the only option now. I was in the room, I saw her eyes. I saw how she reacted when Wild told her she was free. I wanted to know why Wild said those words, now I know. If we follow protocols, that girl is going to still remain a captive for another year even when she is free. But if we follow Wild’s method, she will be easily freed. She also need a proper check-up but we can't expose her now” Doc said.
Jason spoke before he could counter Doc.
“If we follow Wild’s method it won’t take up to three weeks. One, she had looked underfed but she will be getting food thrice daily. Two, she was always whipped but no more. Three, she will no longer be sexually abused. Four, gradually she will discover those things are no longer happening. Then she will discover she is free to move around, I think with that, Wild can start the debriefing. You know we can’t reveal she exist. We are still dealing with traitors from my last mission both military and political traitors. I started understanding Wild’s method after Cindy told me her experience with Andrew. She had recovered faster because she had watched Andrew die. And Tamed you were the one who killed Andrew in her presence. We can’t use that method because we’ve not been given the go ahead by the president and also we don’t have enough evidence but you need to use Wild’s solution because you have bigger issues to deal with” Jason said.
Andrew was a defector during the fight to stop another Civil war. He had tried raping Cindy and he had stopped him by beheading him with the laser knife Andrew had wanted to kill him with. Cindy had been in shock after that but she had recovered quickly. Jason had joined them later, if he was not there at that time, it would have been too late for Cindy.
“I know this is a serious case but I must say this. I have never heard Jason talk so long. What is going on?” Ghost asked.
“Jason, I’m ready, I can’t be late, my class starts by 12:00PM” he heard Cindy’s voice.
They could see her. She sat on Jason’s lap.
“Bye bye kiss” she said kissing Jason.
“Wait, Jason is that Ghost, Fast, Mark, Major, Wild, Sabrina and is that Dark Prince? Wow. Is Dark Prince really back? But he is still looking scary and why is it that Wild never smiles? Sabrina is always looking pretty. And you know Jason I might consider Mark's proposal” Cindy said excitedly without pausing.
No one talked, no one interrupted her as she talked. But Jason started laughing.
“What is funny?”
“You know they can see and hear you” Jason said laughing.
“And Cindy do you have to show us what we are missing?” Fast asked.
She was immediately out of the screen.
“Oh my God. Wild and Tamed heard me. Jason why did you not tell me you were doing your video meeting” he heard her voice from the background.
“Because you wouldn’t have given me a bye bye kiss” Jason said smiling but not facing the screen.
Next came the sound of someone crying. Jason was immediately off the screen. This was getting interesting.
“Hey Cindy” he heard Jason.
“Leave me alone. I’m off” Cindy said.
Jason came back to the screen few seconds later.
“Doc please why is any little thing making her cry?” Jason asked.
“Mood swing dear, it comes with pregnancy.  It may get worse. Just be ready” Doc answered all smiles.
“Dark Prince? That’s what she calls Tamed. I like that” Ghost said.
He knew if nobody said anything, Ghost would. She was referring to him. Just when he thought his nicknames names were just Beast, Tamed Beast and Tamed now Cindy had added Dark Prince.
“Cindy is out everybody, it means we must hurry up with this meeting before Jason’s battery runs down and we will start reading texts” Major said.
Jason had said there were bigger problems.
“Jason what bigger problems?” he asked.
“They are not only looking for Halima, they are also looking for you. Somebody was able to sketch you. Although they think the number of men that attacked the compound were about six, they believe you are the link to the other five. They also believe you and the other five guys are working for one of Chief’s political enemy. That is another reason Chief wants to get her back by all means” Jason explained.
“Since they are using their network to look for you, it won’t take long for their message to get to Asaba and let’s not forget you are a legend here. I believe that was how Lord Nero was able to get your location” Wild said.
The name Lord Nero made him feel a rage to kill. Somehow he was beginning to feel emotions he has always longed for.
“Tamed calm down. I shouldn’t have mentioned him.”
“They won’t need to find me. I’m going to find them” he said.
“That’s why we need to hurry with our investigation on Ojogolo arms dealers and also Halima, so she can exist. Right now if she is sent to the debriefing center, Chief will know and he may lawfully try to take her back. And she will willingly go back to him. We won’t have a strong back up because the President was not informed Chief was our target. Things will just get messy” Ghost said.
“Talking of the President. Major what’s your plan?” Fast asked.
“It’s high time you guys started addressing me properly” Major said.
He was recently ranked a Lieutenant General after he had led the Special Force to stop an almost civil war.
“That will take time Major” Wild said.
“Well no plan. I’m just going to inform him the rescue mission was successful with thirty eight dead men and none from us. Chief said eleven died and his most expensive artifacts is missing. They are not connected. For now the President cannot know she exist. He may summon Chief and Ghost’s prediction will happen. And like Wild said, she will choose Chief. So I approve of Wild’s idea and since the mission is for Jason and Tamed, Jason will focus on discovering more evidence to prove that Ojogolo arms dealers are killers while Tamed will remain her bodyguard and prevent any attempt on her recapture. I have made my decision” Major said.
It was one thing for Major to suggest and another thing for him to command. Once he made a command there was no protest. It was the rule. He did not like the way things were going but he had no choice.
“And I suggest you relocate since there is a possibility they will soon find out your location and Jason cannot keep track of potential attackers since they are using their network” Ghost said.
“No, since you all have decided to make me a monster, I will do it my way” he said
“Case settled. Keep us updated Jason and Tamed. I’m out. I have a meeting with the president” Major said and almost same time, he disconnected himself from the video conference.
“Same here. Jason tell Cindy my offer is still available for grasp” Ghost said.
One by one they all disconnected.
“And we have to move Doc” Wild said.
“Just like that? You know we have things to settle.”
“Not now Tamed. I have a meeting with different Special Force leaders and Sabrina needs to prepare for her undercover mission. So let’s do this later. Just keep us updated on Halima. Remember our chat room is open twenty four seven, so you must be online. Jason will be updating you on his findings” Wild said punching his shoulder.
“You can take the TV. Here is the prescription of drugs you are to give her. The drugs are in that bag” Doc said pointing at a bag on his small round glass table.
“Wild don’t you think I’m a danger to Halima? How do I even do what you suggested?” he shouted at Wild who was already outside.
“Find a way Tamed” Wild answered.
“I almost forgot. Jason’s big bag. I need to take it” Doc said.
He handed over the van key to Doc and after she had taken the bag to Jason’s jeep, they drove out of his compound. They could drive through his bushy path because he had cleared it enough for cars to pass through. Although it would still be difficult for low cars.
Just when the jeep was out of sight, he heard a bang on his master bedroom’s door. She was awake.
“Get me out. I have passed the test, I want to meet Chief. You are liars. Get me out” she shouted.
What had Chief told her? Why was she always talking about the test? What exactly did Chief do to her? A feeling of anger starting boiling inside him as he walked towards the master bedroom door.

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