Part Twenty-one

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{But I will deliver you. You won't be handed over to those men whom you have good reason to fear.}
          She entered the car. Onos closed the door, then entered the front seat.  Sunday entered the back seat from the opposite door. Seconds later, the car was on the move towards him.
“Fast this is so well cooked. Mark I’m opening the wine” Doc said.
“There’s wine?” all of them chorused.
“Ready” Doc said as the wine opened.
He could hear the small explosive sound a good wine made when opened.
“No bring the glass closer, okay let’s toast on behalf of the circle” Fast said.
“Wild is this not a taboo? How can they be partying without us?” Ghost said.
“And Mark you are supposed to be on duty” he added.
“Nah, this is off duty support. We are just helping you find her. This is so sweet” Mark replied.
“They are almost here, Jason anything?” he asked.
“The name of the unknown guy is Sunday Abiame, he is thirty, Onos is Onome Tejire, he is twenty nine. I’m still scanning the face of Aka” Jason said.
“But they are not on the wanted list so how did you get their details?” he asked.
“Sim registration. I’ve hacked the phone of Onos and right now it’s frozen, he can’t operate it even if he wants to. I’ve checked the owner of the number Ojogolo called with and it’s registered to a sixty six years old woman, and he is using a Nokia torchlight so nothing much I can do. Ojogolo hardly uses a line twice and it’s always with a stolen line, the Facebook account is also not for him. I’ve opened it and it looks like it was created for this peace message” Jason said just when the car was getting to his pickup.
“Jason I don’t even know what to call you, I’m not that fast” Mark said.
“The third one Aka is thirty two. We were born the same year and went to the same primary school. He is a driver who frequents a palm wine joint close to Sunday’s mum’s provision store where I often buy my things when needed. They are just petty drug retailers and I believe addicts. There is an uncompleted building at the dead end and at the back of the building is Sunday’s family house” he said.
“They know you” Mark said.
There was evidence he was chewing a meat from his voice.
“Tamed I will advise you wear your mask and just take her, we have a bigger issue on ground” Wild said.
The men had stopped their car and two of them, Onos and Sunday were coming to his pickup.
“You believe they are just going to let him take Halima without a fight?” Doc said.
It was clear she too was eating something from the way she spoke.
“I meant he should not prolong the fight, there is a bigger issue Jason has raised and it’s an emergency” Wild answered.
“I don’t think there will be a fight and there is no need for mask Wild, they know me, they know my pickup.”
“That’s is going to worsen your current situation Tamed” Jason said.
He did not have the time to ask about the emergency because Sunday was already poking his face on his windscreen. Maybe to confirm if he was the one driving the pickup.  He opened the door hitting him, the force sending him to the ground. He was right, mask would be unnecessary. Sunday knew him. In fact looking at him, he remembered he was one problem son to his widowed mother. He had once helped her years back. He started walking to their car hoping someone would test him.
“Who you be?” Onos asked following him.
Same damn question all the time.
“I dey ask you, if you nor won….”
He did not allow him finish his statement, the mention of ‘if’ was enough threat. He turned at the exact time Onos brought out a knife.
“Onos no” Sunday shouted.
But it was already too late for Onos because the hand with the knife was already broken. He punched him on his head before his scream could wake up residents. He landed on the ground but he wouldn’t die because he did not use his full strength.
“All correct sir” he heard Aka’s voice.
He turned to look at him. He was already out of the driver seat and had placed his fingers on his ears and on attention. He did not have time to have any conversation with them. There was no way to tell them that the girl in the car was a rescued victim when she had asked for their help. He ignored him and opened the back seat. He was already furious as he opened the door but the sight before him weakened him almost immediately. She looked like she was about to explode from fear.
“You could change that breaking of hand signature Tamed. It was exactly what Tiger did. I knew that was what he was going to do” Jason said as he stared at her thinking of what to say.
So that was what had happened. Tiger must have become more stupid with time.
“But that was not why he died” he said.
Halima responded to his statement by shrinking inside.
“He knew Jason feared him but forgot fear is for the brave.” Wild said part of his favorite quote.
He hoped that a time would not come when he would have to face Jason in a life and death situation because there was no way he would decide to go face to face with him.”
“So how did you prepare for him? Let me guess, you electrified him when he held your left wrist” he said.
“Bingo” Ghost said.
What a stupid way for a warrior to die, killed while frozen not while fighting. He must have kept Jason alive when he had shot him just to rob it on his face that he was the one who gave George the killing shot. And he had the advantage, he could naturally pick out Jason’s spot from hundreds of yards.
He decided not talk to her, there was nothing to say. He just pulled her out of the vehicle. She did not protest nor fight but the vibes coming from her was touching his bones. He took her to the passenger seat, locked the door, entered his seat, ignited his pickup, tried to reverse left but stopped. The other car was very close, the back of his pickup would hit it. Before he could decide on what to do, Aka had already flown into his car and reversed giving him the space he wanted. Sunday quickly scurried out of the way as he drove off the street.
“The legend. I guess Onome is new. They should have updated him about you now” Ghost said.
“When will I get this kind of respect from my people” Mark said.
“Mark how you can forget you are the male mermaid of Escravo River” Ghost said.
Again, Ghost has succeeded in distracting him. He smiled as he remembered what Mark had done.
Mark’s first mission was located at Escravos River. Then, there was a rise in pirate activities. When the Omega order had been given, Mark had carried it out himself. Just a week later, stories started spreading about a male mermaid who had been appearing from under the water. And he was known to attack only pirates. A group of travelers had witnessed a pirate boat separating into two. According to their story that had even appeared on Punch Newspaper, the pirates’ screams were cut off one by one and the only thing they saw were lots of blood and their dead bodies. A man’s back had surfaced and then disappeared into the water and one of them had said she saw scales. And so the news headline had been.
Halima’s cackling sound ended his distraction.
“What’s the emergency?” he asked trying his best to distract himself from her cackling.
“You have to move out as soon as you get back to your house” Wild said.
“Why?” he asked.
“Not with Halima there please, from what I saw she is very scared.
“That is more of a dread. Tamed why is Halima so afraid of you?” Mark asked.
“Are you trying to find out if am doing the job you guys gave me very well?” he replied
“What job exactly?” Major joined.
They were now complete full time night workers.
“Major what a surprise, welcome to the party” Fast said.
“I wake up to take a glass of water and I’m seeing my phone vibrating, not once but continuously indicating you guys are showing an online life video. I immediately open the app and I first scroll through the messages and I’m shock to read that Halima escaped and Tamed was not responding to your call. Can someone explain this carelessness?” Major demanded.
“Major Tamed cannot explain now because he is with Halima on their way back to his compound. All I can say is Tamed forgot to lock the door for reasons he himself cannot explain, he then took sleeping pills for headache.” Wild said.
“But sleeping pills only make him drowsy for hours” Major said.
“Same thing I said” Wild responded.
“Tamed I will need an explanation from you once she is back in her room” Major said.
“Roger that” he said.
“But Major that’s not the important thing now. Tamed cannot stay there, he has to move now” Jason said.
“What is it?” Major asked.
“Not until Tamed gets home” Doc said.
“Sabrina why did you switch off your phone? Your mum tried calling you” Major asked.
“Dad I was on a mission which you know and why will mum be calling me when we spoke last morning” Doc answered.
“I told her about your mission” Major said.
“Why. Is it because of Jason?”
“I’ve always told her.”
“But not the details” Doc said.
“Dear is that Balikis?” he heard Mrs. Major voice.
That was the name George gave her and she had liked it.
“And now the family is complete” Mark said.
“Jason just call Cindy to balance the equation” Ghost said.
“Yes” Major Ahmed said.
“Can I speak with her?”
“Come closer.”
A pause.
“Put this on your ear.”
Another pause.
“She can hear you” Major said.
“Balikis where are you? I have been calling your line?”
“Mum I’m fine. I can’t believe dad told you everything” Doc said.
“I had wanted that for a long time, I’m happy I can now follow up on what you are doing.”
“By getting worried. Jason you are a bad influence” Doc said.
Which was true. Jason had a way of making everyone follow his ideas without argument. Even though one did not agree with him, it was difficult to stop him because there was nothing to counter him with. Jason had once said saying 'I repeat' during a mission was because of a walkie talkie but the latest technology was very powerful and one could hear the other without the person repeating for clarification. He was not wrong and it had been scraped within the Circle and gradually many things were removed or died over time. Now they sounded like a group of civilians having their annual meeting.
“No I was not worried, your dad told me Mark and Fast is with you. Where are you now?”
There was no response.
“Mum she is at Eloke beach” Ghost answered.
“Saheed” Doc said straining the ‘e.’
“Balikis it will soon be four in the morning. What are you doing at the beach?”
“Don’t worry ma, she is safe with us” Fast said.
He was now in his street.
“You are only three, you know pirates work more at night” she said.
The instant laughter that followed her statement came from everybody. He could not believe he even laughed. He parked his pickup, came out and opened the front seat. He carried her and placed her on the ground. He immediately held her hand and started pulling her back to her room. He ignored her fear that was very visible.
“What is funny?” she asked.
“Ma pirates don’t come to this area. But we’ve been hoping one lost pirate will join us ma. I need to practice the tips Mark gave me” Fast
“I don’t understand” she said.
“Dear, Princess can take care of herself and though I don’t support her being at the beach by this time, I would have a hell of report to give if sea pirates visit that area.”
“Mum, the water is Mark’s territory. Don’t worry your daughter is in safe hands” Ghost said.
“Saheed I can take care of myself, I don’t need Mark’s help” Doc replied.
He opened the door and pulled her into the room.
“I hope you will not swim, I know you. There are deadly animals please” Major’s wife said.
“Ma right now we have equipment underwater which can detect movement of bodies from up to a thousand yards, then we have another on air and we will know if we are going to have visitors. Don’t worry she is safe with me” Mark said.
“One two…” Ghost said.
“Mark you want to die?” Doc said with an angry voice.
“Balikis, won’t you change? Stay close to them and do leave the beach, it’s getting colder each day. Even though your father trained you like a boy still try act like a lady.  A lady should not be out this late.”
“Yes mum. Love you mum.”
He made her seat down on the bed.
“Dear I’m going back to sleep.” Mrs. Major said.
“Dad what was that for?” Doc asked.
“This is not the time for family business” Major Ahmed said.
“You’ve already made it a family business by bringing mum into it” Doc replied.
“Princess let’s talk about this later.”
He wanted to say something to calm her down but he did not know if he would say the right words. He just left her shaking on the bed. He made sure he locked the door this time.
“Shoot. Why do I have to leave my place?” he asked as he walked towards his parlor.
“Because your cover is blown” Jason answered.

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