Part Eight

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      {When the sun comes after the dark; could it be real?}
            It was already dark and the food was definitely not coming. She would have to wait for the next marking. Chief might come with the food because he had said he would move her. But what kept disturbing her was what Chief had said. Someone was looking for her and Chief was not happy about it. She tried thinking of something she might have done but could no longer remember anything. She knew she had recently remembered something important but at that moment, her memory was blank. If the wall was not made to prevent someone from hearing her scream, she might have known someone came looking for her. A long time ago, Chief had told her that no matter how she would scream, no one would hear her because the wall was made to prevent her voice from coming out. A thought came to her mind, it was followed by fear. What if Chief was testing her? What if Chief wanted to send someone who would act like that security guard to find out if she was still faithful to him?
She took a deep breath to calm her fears, there was nothing to be afraid of, she would never disappoint Chief; she would prove to Chief that she would not run away. Chief would be very happy and reward her by sending food twice in just one marking. Her fear vanished immediately she made up her mind on what she would do. She became excited, it had been long since she got food twice in just one marking. She remembered Chief had said he was celebrating his victory in one house she could not understand, but it had been a memory worth remembering, now she would experience it again.
There was noise coming from the door. Although it was dark, she knew it was the door. Chief never came back twice in a marking. It was it, the test. The person had come. She saw sparkles of light at the door and just few seconds later, the door was opened. She could not see the person because it was dark, she just waited. He would ask to help her and she would say no, she would never go with him. Suddenly, the whole room became bright. Her eyes automatically located what was making the room so bright. Chief had called his a rechargeable torch but the one she was seeing was brighter, she saw the person’s legs, she raised her head to look at him. She jerked back and pushed her body further inside the bed she was sitting. He was big, she had never seen someone so big. Chief was short and had a big belly. But the man was big, tall and large. She could not see his face clearly because his jacket had a cap covering his head and both sides of his face. He was also wearing a glass on his face. She just knew it was called eye glass. The man kept coming towards her, she kept shifting until her back hit the wall. Why would Chief send someone this big? How was she going to say no to him? But she must say no even if Chief was not testing her, she must say no. He was too big and he would be worse than the security guard.
“I can hear you” she heard the man’s voice.
His voice was very deep. He had not yet looked at her.
“Because you don’t need to see what I saw. It’s not a boy but a girl. Visual will be back shortly” the man continued talking to himself.
She quickly replayed what he had just said. He must have been talking to Chief and not to himself. But she was confused. He was complaining she was a girl when he had not even looked at her. Did Chief tell him he was going to meet a boy? Chief had told her to put on her male clothes, but it was not until the next marking. Her thoughts were interrupted by the man’s movement. He walked passed her bed to the wardrobe. He brought out one of her gown, the one Chief hated most. He only allowed her to wear it after punishing her for something bad. The gown was the only one that was not handless and was the longest of all her gown, it touched her knees. He threw the gown to her without looking at her. Chief must have told him not to look at her. And then she remembered she was still naked. She had been planning on how to pass Chief’s test that she had forgotten to wear her clothes. He would tell Chief that she did not wear her clothes and Chief would punish her. He had always told her to clean up and sleep immediately he was through. She quickly wore her clothes.
“I’m not going” she stammered.
The man turned to look at her. He moved very close to the bed so that his legs could touch it. He bent down making him closer.
“I’m sorry I took so long to see your message. I’m here because of your message” he said bringing out a wire.
He raised it for her to see.
“You carved this” he said.
She shook her end. It was not possible, that was the memory that had flashed into her mind some moments ago. Chief had discovered her betrayal and he was going to punish her. She would reduce the punishment by not following the man. With that, Chief would know it was a mistake she had made long time ago and she did not tell him because she had forgotten and only remembered this night but still could not tell him because he was angry. Chief might have mercy and reduce the punishment.
“Go away. Go, I don’t want to go. I love Chief, Chief is very good, you want to kill me and eat me. I’m not going” she screamed.
She jumped down from the bed and ran towards the wardrobe.
She opened the wardrobe door and ran inside. She was immediately grateful the wardrobe was big enough to contain her.
“Wild I know you studied psychology but even a dumb person would know she had been brainwashed, the question is what should I do?” she heard the man’s voice again.
He was very close to the wardrobe.
“Doc I don’t think I have time to convince her, did you not just see her eyes, she is in a state of delirium. Mark how long do I have?” he continued.
“Go away. I won’t go with you. You are evil. Go away” she shouted again.
Maybe he would understand she would not go and not waste his time if she screamed more.
“Go, leave, I won’t leave Chief, tell Chief I did not follow you. I must pass the test, go away” she screamed.
“There is no fucking way I can convince her in less than a minute Fast. Wild I’m doing it my way. Mark any new target? Over.”
He was still saying what she could not understand. There was no way she would be convinced by that.
“I said leave, leave” she screamed again.
“Good. Jason move now. Get the van and meet up with me. Thirty seconds is enough time for me” the man said.
She opened her mouth to scream again but stopped when the wardrobe door was opened with force. Her hands were on the door and the force threw her out. She found herself in the arms of the big man. He was not playing fair. He was going to force her even when she said no, then Chief would never believe she never wanted to go.
“No leave me alone. I’m not going” she shouted and bit his hand.
“Shit” the man said removing his left hand from her body.
It worked. She bent her head to bite the second hand but the man pulled her head up. Before she could find somewhere else to bite, he placed one hand at the back of her neck, the other on her wrist. He was doing something to her and she tried to fight but he was too strong. She felt dizzy and she struggled to stay strong but the feeling to sleep was so overwhelming. She felt herself falling into nothingness.

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