Sushi & Go!

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Today is October 26, in 2 days i have a special concert couse is my birthday bbyyy, im literally so exited. My fans are amazing and i feel like this concert is gonna be my favourite one, i dont know, i feel something special is going to happen that day. Now my mom is finishing her makeup couse we are going out for lunch and Coco is next to me trying to convince me to give her my bucket hat couse it "fits her outfit".

Coco* pleeaasee

Ruel* Or what

Coco* Im not cooking your favourite cake for your birthday

Ruel* OKOKOK (giving my bucket hat to Coco) "The cake she makes is amazing, i dont like to give her compliments but that birthday cake she always make for me, is awesome"

Coco* hah. (pulling out of my head the bucket hat and placing it on her head. Then living my room)

Mom* Guys! are you ready?

Sylvie* i need to take sum things, wait me in the car!

We went out of the house and my adorable dog Wilbur was looking at me to pet him like i always do. if he was a human, i would deffenetly marry him. Then we went to the car and wait for Sylvie, shes always late. After 3 minutes screaming UGH! by the 1975 with Coco, Sylvie finally came and we were ready to go.


October 26

After 6 long hours, we finally arrived. Martha was sleeping, i dont even know how couse i can hear the music on her headphones from here. I woke her up and we went for our bags and called an uber to drive us to our hotel. We went to our hotel room and started placing our things on the closet/bathroom... Then we decided to get sum lunch couse we were really hungry. We decided to go to this restaurant thats called Sushi & Go!  Martha and i really love shushi so we are deffenetly goig there.


My dad asked where would i like to eat, couse my birthday was in 2 days and all that stuff.. i loooove shushi so obiously i said Sushi & Go!  , my favourite place to eat a perfect shushi. We went in and we sat on the back, i dont like beign like "exposed" so my fans see me. i LOVE taking pictures with them and talking a bit but when im doing family/friends stuff, i kinda preffer my fans to respect that im with them. We ordered what we wanted and started eating.

After 5 minutes i look at the door and see a very cute girl, she has brigh brown long hair, really pretty green eyes and a short heigh. She was wearing sum blue jeans, but they were kinda big for her, they were baggy. She looked very cute on them, then a white top and sum nice jordan 1, classic red ones. She was with a friend, but all my atention was for her. Her friend saw me and she was kinda nervous.

"shit, i think they know who i am"

the cute girl told her to shut up couse the blond one was kinda loud, she was saying "Winter look he is Ruel! omgomg i dont know what to do".

"Winter, a cute name for a cute girl"

Winter looked at me and i didnt knew what to do, so i just stand there with half of a shushi popping out of my mouth

"she probably thinks i dont know how to eat"

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