Maybe well meet again

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Spring* Bye guys!! it was really nice to talk to you, hope one day i get the chance to meet you! (she said with a smile and looking closely to the phone)

Ruel* By bub (i said while grabbing the phone) I love you so much ok?

Spring* I love you more Ruelyyy (she said in a cute way and smiling even more) tell your friends i really liked them!

Ruel* They just heared you (we all giggled a little)

Gabbs* I hope we all meet one day Winter!

Spring* Me too! well, see you guys i need to go back study but this 30mnts were incredible! Bye!

Ruel* LUB YOUU (i said before she ended the call)

We all put pur phones down and started playing with the ball again.


As i said, i went to study again. 1 hour, 2hours and then finally 3 hours passed. My first break.

Dad* How are you doing? (he said in the door, but not coming in my room)

Spring* Im really stressed, i hope all this ends with a happy end couse right now im really exhausted.

Dad* ahw sweety, dont worry i know you can with all of this

Spring* if you say so... (before he was going to close my door, i remembered something) By the way dad!

Dad* Yes?

Spring* Do you know the places i can go to college? you told me before me going to Sydney with Martha, the Principal was gonna send you an email about that.

Dad* Oh yes! I totally forgot about that, they told me that you could choose between Russia, the closest to home. Canada, and Australia but these could change and they choose the city not us

Spring* waitwaitwait, you just said Australia?

Dad* Yes, why?

Spring* Oh nothing, its just that Martha loves it and yup yeah thats it (yes, my parents dont know about my long distance relationship with Ruel. Theyre super extrict and they dont want me to focuns in other things then college )

Dad* oh ok, dinner is in 2 hours. Your break ends in 30mts. (he said before leaving my room again)

This is the first time i think ive heared for a reason to love college. Ruel. Austraia. Im gonna get the chance to meet him again!and his frineds!! but, my dad just said these could change, so i dont wanna tell Ruel. Maybe all the excitement we both have goes couse the principal decides to change it)

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