last show pt.3

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(SHIT please tell me Australia is still a place i can go, i just want to go there, please..)

Spring* Oh! uhm yeah eh which are those?

Dad* Well, you can go to- * his phone started ringing* oh sweetie ill tell you later, finish your work!

Spring* yeah sure dad..

Then my dad walked away. What a great moment to just call my dad... Ugh i just want to be there, with Ruel..


It was 8:45pm and i needed to go to the stage becouse the concert was starting at 9:15pm. We prepared everything and at 9:05pm i was in the backstage, listening how the people began to pass to their seats and how they screamed. It was the time to pop to the stage so i did. Some of the people there were happy, others screaming and some of them, a big part of them, crying. I said hey, and explain a bit bout what i was going to play for them and thanks for coming etc.


I finally finished my homework and instantly run down stairs to ask my dad the options i have for college.

Dad* Hey Spring! did you finishd your-

Spring* YES! i mean, yes, uhm dad i need to ask something

Dad* What do you want?

Spring* The places i can go for college..?

Dad* Oh yeah, now, Russia is not an option you can only choose between Canada and Australia and becouse you went before to Australia, mom and i thought youd be better there since you already know how it is.

Spring* Uhm yeah but Australia is huge (I didnt want to make any expectations couse i could go to so many places there) so..

Dad* Well, you went to Sydney wuth Martha isnt it? so you know that place-


Dad* O wow you loved that place huh? yeah your going back there.

I instantly statted crying and i hugged my dad, then he was going to ask me something but i run to my room to call Ruel.


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