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Winter watched the scavengers closely, observing the carvings they had made on the stone wall.  The carvings seemed to tell a story of some sort, using pictures instead of words. It seemed like the scavengers were using the wall as a scroll. That would definitely suggest that scavengers were slowly getting smarter, just like Winter suspected. He wondered if scavengers had been as civilized and evolved as dragons before the Scorching. If there was some record, perhaps stone carvings like the ones the scavengers were creating, maybe even a way to go back in time and see life before the Scorching... 

Winter spread his wings, flying to his home in Sanctuary. The whole winglet was coming over for dinner and Winter needed to make sure everything was in order. His eyes searched for the elegant, whitewashed brick mansion, landing right next to it. He let himself into his home, making his way over to the dining area with the prey he had caught for dinner-a mountain goat for Moon, a sheep for Qibli, a few large fish for Turtle, a few chickens for Peril and a lamb for himself. He grabbed the bowl of fruit sitting on a shelf in a corner, leaving it in the dining area for Kinkajou. 

A few of the stuffed pillows Winter had bought from the markets and some polar bear fleeces across the floor and the dining area was fit for his friends. Now, all Winter could do was wait. A few minutes later, a knock came from the entrance. Winter opened the door, instantly encased within a blizzard of dragons. "Winter! Long time, no see, huh?" Qibli nudged his friend, smiling. Kinkajou threw her arms around Winter like she always did, beaming. Turtle grinned at him, shaking talons with Winter and Peril just smiled. Last through the door was Moon, who wrapped her tail around his, smiling warmly. Winter had once liked Moon, but now, he knew they would have never worked out. He was happy alone for now. 

Qibli glanced around the foyer with his observant face. "Hey, Winter, how'd you make the paint on this ledge so shiny?" 

"There's this gel that a SeaWing sells at the market. He calls it 'varnish' and it's basically to protect paint from chipping off. It's a really smart idea-I went over all the ledges in this house with it."

Peril looked hesitantly at the ledge. "So...It'll burn off if I sit on it?" 

Winter shook his head. "Actually, no. It's fireproof." Peril sat on a ledge, pleased with the quality of the varnish. Everyone else took a seat. "Winter, I was listening on my way here.... and I was really impressed with how well all the dragons from different tribes were getting along. There was almost no hostility in thee dragons' thoughts. They seemed... proud. Of what they were creating-a city of the future." Winter couldn't help but feel proud of his city, Sanctuary. It had come such a long way as a safe haven for dragons of all tribes, and of all continents. Some of the Pantalans who had come to Phyrria also lived in Sanctuary. 

Turtle cleared his throat. "" 

They all headed into the dining area. Peril fingered the small tapestries hanging from the walls. "Hey, these are the tapestries you were talking about in your letter, right? The ones the scavengers made when you left them with the materials to create them, I mean."

Winter beamed. Finally, a chance to discuss his findings. "Scavengers are surprisingly creative-they were able to create a functioning loom once they understood the basics of weaving. They basically created a device to do the work they already could do-and it only took them a month to figure it out! The scavengers are clearly much smarter than what most dragons take them for." 

Qibli seemed to be deep in thought. He looked up from his sheep, smiling. "Who would have thought that Prince Winter of the IceWings would end up as a scientist?" Winter scowled jokingly. Moon grinned. "It's so nice to be together again-the whole winglet. Well, except for Umber." Winter noticed a twinge of sadness in Moon's voice. Qibli looked up. Of course, he;d had one of his 'ideas' again. 

"Hey, Winter, doesn't Umber live here?" Winter nodded. Umber had moved to Sanctuary after Queen Moorhen decided to imprison Sora. Umber was spared, but he didn't want to stay in the Mud kingdom, which was why he'd come to Sanctuary. 

"We could go meet him tomorrow morning!" Moon exclaimed. Qibli nodded, putting a wing around his girlfriend. Winter would never say it out loud, but deep down, he too shipped Moon and Qibli. "Well, let's finish eating and then I can show you to your rooms."

After an enjoyable, filling meal, the rest of the winglet thanked Winter for the food before heading upstairs to the south wing of the mansion toward the guest rooms. "Wow," Qibli breathed. "You're living in a little palace of your own, aren't you, Winter?" Winter laughed. "I suppose I am." The winglet settled in for the night and Winter walked off to his own quarters in the north wing. 

Winter fell asleep, dreaming of all the possibilities of life before the Scorching. It was a long, restful sleep, interrupted by a strange, continuous sound unlike any Winter had heard before. "Winter, wake up, you'll be late for swimming practice!" Who was that?  "Am I going to have to drag you out of bed myself?" Winter sat up, realising his bed was... soft. Nothing like the ledge he had fallen asleep on. He felt an odd, empty feeling where his wings should have been. Winter held out his talons... only to realise they were paws. Like those of a scavenger. 

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