Moonbli 2.0

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Qibli wasn't going to deny it-he was definitely into that new girl, Moon. For starters, she was absolutely gorgeous. Qibli knew he'd have dreams about those brownish-black curls and those hypnotising eyes... The second thing was the allure of how mysterious she seemed. She seemed like a girl with secrets. Like a puzzle waiting to be solved. In a way, she reminded Qibli a lot of Winter when he had first arrived at Jade High. Except she wasn't rude. Clay nudged Qibli, grinning. "Nice shot today, champ!" Qibli smiled, nodding. "Thanks, Clay." Clay nodded. "Hey, you where Peril is right now?" 

Qibli shipped Clay and Peril so hard (as did the rest of the football team and the cheerleading team.) The only reason nothing was happening was because Clay was too dense to realise Peril had feelings for him, and Peril was too scared that Clay didn't return her feelings, so neither ever made a move. "Yeah, man. She just finished cheer practice." Peril wasn't the head cheerleader (that was all Glory) but she was definitely the strongest on the squad. While most cheerleaders could only do round-offs at best, Peril could vault, do flips and do up to 16 cartwheels in a row. 

Qibli hurried off to his class for first period-Math. He found himself hoping that Moon would be in his class, and almost tripped over his own feet asking her to sit next to him. Moon giggled and said yes, taking a seat next to Qibli. The two of them spent the whole lesson passing notes (they weren't caught even once) and talking when the teacher left the students to complete textbook work. As Moon told Qibli about herself, he couldn't help wanting to know more. Moon was the first interesting girl Qibli had met in quite a while-most girls who spoke to Qibli were just flirts with no real interests.

The bell went and Qibli found himself disappointed that Math was over. Moon walked out with him, the two chatting about nothing in particular. "Well, we're definitely going to have a lot of math to catch up on," Moon joked. Qibli snorted. "Please. Mr Ross never checks our books. Besides, even if he did, he's too short-sighted to tell what's written in people's  workbooks." Moon giggled. "Any other woefully short-sighted teachers I should know about?" Qibli found himself smirking. "Well no, but Mademoiselle Pierson only speaks in French, so..." 

Moon frowned. "She must be the French teacher." Qibli barked a laugh. "That's what's so funny-she's the Latin teacher!" Moon collapsed in giggles against Qibli's torso. A warm, jittery feeling spread through his stomach, and he found himself shuffling closer to Moon as they walked down the corridor. "Well! Finally, break! I'm starving-better go to the food court." Qibli looked down at Moon. "Do you want to come with me?" Moon nodded, smiling. 

Qibli led the way to the school's private food court, featuring 15 different gourmet restaurants and 4 buffets-vegan/vegetarian, meat, seafood and dessert. Being the adoptive son of Mayor Thorn, Qibli had only quite recently come into a life of wealth. Before Thorn had decided to try for Mayor, she worked as a detective for the police department and often went undercover as a fugitive. Her and Qibli lived in a penthouse with Thorn's colleague, Six-Claws, and his family. Altogether, there were five of them living in a three-bedroom penthouse. 

When Thorn's long lost daughter, Sunny, found her again, she motivated her to try for mayor. Thorn decided to give politics a shot, leading to her landing the role of mayor and moving into Northcott Tower. She made enough money to send Qibli to Jade High, where he'd met people who were filthy rich and filthy people in general. For example, there was Anemone. She was (somehow) related to Qibli's easy-going friend Turtle. The two were children of Coral, who was the queen of Zephyr, a small, remote island with a surprisingly colossal palace for its monarchs.

Anemone had all the best designer clothes, the most expensive jewelry and the most expensive things. She never treated her fortune with care and was one of the rudest people to attend Jade High. Turtle, however, was the exact opposite. He, too, had access to the Zephyrran fortune, but he chose not to flaunt his riches in the way Anemone did. "Well, Qibli, what are you going to get?" Moon asked. "Whatever you're getting, which is?" Moon looked around indecisively. "Spoiled for choice?" Qibli joked. Moon absentmindedly nudged him. "I want.... burgers!" Qibli patted her on the back. "Nice choice, Moon."

They walked over to the gourmet burger restaurant. "I'll handle the order-you have any allergies?" Moon shoo her head. "Anything you don't like eating?" Moon once again shook her head. "I do want to be blown away though, Qibli. Bring me the best." Qibli nodded, smiling, as he walked up to the counter. "I'll have two cheeseburgers please." The cashier nodded. "Is that all?" 


"Okay-your order will be here shortly." 

Qibli walked around to the pick up area. Moon sidled her way over to him. "You don't have to pay?" she asked. Qibli chuckled. "We pay thousands of dollars just to be here-they should at least let us enjoy the food for free, don't you think?" Moon giggled. "If you say so."

Before long, their order arrived. "Come on, we better go find the others, huh?" Moon nodded, following Qibli to the table that Kinkajou, Winter, Turtle and Peril were already gathered around. "You haven't met Turtle, have you?" Kinkajou asked. "He was off at swimming practice this morning, so..." Moon smiled at Turtle. Turtle returned the smile, shooting her a lazy, chill, grin. Turtle had a fairly generic look about him. There was a certain attractiveness about someone who looked so familiar, and Moon suspected that he had a few girls with crushes on him. Moon found that the most ordinary faces received the most attention. 

(Turtle's look)

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(Turtle's look)

"Moon, Moon, Moon, we meet again." Peril shot Moon one of her signature sarcastic troublemaker grins. Qibli watched, surprised, as Moon returned a similar looking grin. Was Moon a troublemaker too? Peril looked strangely, giddily happy. It was an expression Qibli recognised-one that had to do with a certain someone called Clay. "Peril.... What did you talk about with Clay?" Peril tried but failed to contain her excitement. "Well... he asked me how I was going, if I was having a good time..." Unable to contain her enthusiasm any longer, she let out a squeal. "He asked me to be his date to Winter's party!" Winter frowned. "My party?"

Winter had been acting strange since this morning. He seemed... confused. Not at all like his usual headstrong self. Qibli figured he was going through a phase or something like that-he'd get over it.... eventually. "Yeah, the party you're throwing this Friday? The one the whole school's invited to? You know, because your parents are out of town with your brother and sister and you want to live it up?" Qibli raised his eyebrows dramatically. "Ring any bells?" Winter gasped. "Oh, yeah, the party! Gonna be a blast, you guys!"

Winter turned to look at Moon. It seemed like he knew her already, or he recognized her from somewhere, which was probably the case. They might have crossed paths at one of Winter's parents' functions. "You should come too, Moon." Moon smiled. "I'd be happy to." Qibli turned to Moon. "Hey, Moon. Crazy idea-you should go to the party with me!" Moon smiled shyly. "You mean, as your date?" Qibli shrugged. "I mean... if that's what you want." Qibli played it nonchalantly on the outside, but he was internally screaming with excitement. "Sure, Qibli. It's a date."

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