Winter's "Party"

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"It's a date, Qibli." That was the only part of the conversation Winter actually heard. The rest was drowned out by his owns thoughts and immense confusion about the situation he found himself in. Maybe it's just a dream. Winter had pinched myself three times already, only to find his soft, warm scavenger skin underneath his paws. None of the others seemed to have any idea whatsoever that they were once dragons.

They acted just like their dragon selves-Kinkajou with her unbridled enthusiasm, Qibli with his snarky comments, Turtle with his generic demeanour, Peril with her Clay obsession (Winter shipped it too) and Moon with her quiet, resolute energy. They were all still friends in this strange universe, which was a good sign, but it definitely didn't help Winter understand what was going on here.

As far as Winter knew, he was a high school 'sophomore' who was a 'quarterback' on something called a football team. Qibli was also on this football team. He, however, played in the 'kicker' position. Oh, and Winter was also throwing some kind of party for the whole school on Friday without his parents' permission. He was now off to some class called 'Criminal Psychology' with Qibli and Moon, who were both giggling like 1-year-old dragonets in front of him. Except they weren't dragons at all-they were scavengers, just like Winter. 

"Winter, wait up!" Winter turned, now face-to-face with a girl who had hair that was such a pale shade of yellow it almost seemed white and light blue eyes the colour of glaciers. A light smattering of freckles was spread across her nose. "You dropped this." The girl handed Winter a textbook. "Oh, hi Lynx." Qibli waved to the girl. This was Lynx? "Thanks, Lynx." Lynx smiled. "Hi Qibli. It's all good, Winter. I'll see you guys Friday!" 

 I'll see you guys Friday!" 

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(Lynx's look-human)

Winter felt his cheeks grow warmer for no apparent reason. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. Was this some strange scavenger disease? Moon let out a strange noise that sounded like a cross between a squeal and a giggle. "Okay, so you totally like her," she said, nudging Winter. Qibli sidled over to Winter, mirroring Moon's goofy grin. One thing was for sure-Qibli was not any less annoying in scavenger form. 

"Hey, I have an idea.... You should ask her to your.... oh, that would be weird. Yeah, we're not doing that." Winter realised that Qibli was implying that Winter should ask Lynx to his party. "We could try to set you up though. I dunno, if you have a pool or a rooftop or something at your house...." Qibli stopped Moon. "Winter doesn't live in a house. He lives in a damn manor, Moon-you'll lose your mind when you see it." 

Moon smirked. "Well, I do live in a tower that offers a great view of the Harbour skyline." Qibli scoffed. "Oh, please, it is nothing compared to our exquisite manor." Qibli seemed to be imitating Winter. "Cut it out, scorpion breath." Once Winter realised what he had said, he wanted to claw his strange scavenger mouth off. He looked down at his paws. These wouldn't  be useful for clawing, he thought to himself. 

"Scorpion breath? Well... that's a new one. Meh. You've called me worse." Qibli shrugged. Moon stared at Winter with a quizzical expression on her face before Qibli started talking to her again. This was like Moonbli (Winter's ship name for Moon and Qibli) all over again-only this time, Winter could appreciate it. "Well.... here we are." Moon suddenly looked excited. "Hey, what're you so happy about?" Moon looked at Qibli. "I'm good at anything to do with psychology." 

Qibli shot Moon a smirk. "Well, now you can help Winter-he's failing this class." Moon nodded. "Sure, if Winter can keep up with me." Moon smiled at Winter. The trio took seats right at the back of the room, where they could talk the whole time without Professor Moorhen noticing. The week continued and soon enough, it was Friday. The day of Winter's party. His parents and sister had left without a word. Hailstorm had wished him luck for the party (Winter apparently told his brother everything) before heading off.

Once Winter had made sure the ballroom of the manor looked fit for a function, he went to go and pick out some clothes for the party. He settled for a relatively casual looking ensemble. 

He heard a knock at the front door

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He heard a knock at the front door. He rushed downstairs, opening the door for Qibli, Moon, Kinkajou, Turtle, Peril and a group of other scavengers he didn't recognise. "Hey, Winter." A brown-haired, muscled person said. "Oh..hi." Winter realised that this was Clay. He and Peril walked off. Qibli and Moon shot Winter a thumbs up before making a beeline for Clay and Peril. Turtle and Kinkajou smiled before walking away to join the rest of the group.

This left a whole bunch of people Winter didn't know, apart from Deathbringer, who he'd bumped into during first period. "Hey Deathbringer." Winter looked at the gorgeous girl standing next to him, with her brown hair and twinkling hazel eyes. He realised that this was Glory. "Hi, Glory." The duo walked off, hand in hand. Winter greeted Starflight and Fatespeaker and Sunny after that. 

He then left the door open for more guests to come in and made his way over to his own friends. "So.... what you guys up to?" Qibli slurped loudly from his glass. "We're bored." Peril rolled her eyes elaborately. Clay nudged her. "No, Peril, he's hosting us-" Peril turned to look at Clay (she was only a bit shorter than him.) "Clay, now's not the time to be nice." Peril now turned to look Winter dead in the eye. "Mind if I take over?" Winter nodded, unsure of what to do. "OKAY, LISTEN UP FOLKS! LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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