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"MAMA! PAPA!" yelled a young child's voice, "PAPA! HELP M-" the small girl's plea was cut off by a blood curdling scream. The middle-aged couple raced to the room down the hall in fear for their daughter's life.

When they reached her bedroom, there was a man standing over her with a red-hot knife. As the husband tackled the man, the mother checked for where the injury was. The girl was already weaker than most, but now. Now, she just looked broken.

Blood pooled around her legs where there were burning cuts on the back of her calves, and a puppet mouth carved onto her face. Turning the attention back to the men wrestling, she noticed that her husband had pinned down the man. What nobody apart from the girl saw was the gun in the man's hand. She grunted out while trying to stand before falling on her butt. The man started to move his arm a bit, aiming it at the father's torso. Ignoring her pain, the six-year-old girl lunged at her dad, time seeming to slow down around her. "PAPA NOO!" she yelled, shoving him away. The time around them sped back up, and the bullet had scraped her arm. "Oh look, the princess has a quirk," the man chuckled. The dad snapped out of his trance and was about to attack. 

"Don't worry, I may have burned her, but that's just because she's, 'the perfect princess'. I won't kill her~" he said mockingly. The father paused, obviously noticing that a few times he had referred to the girl as 'princess', which was odd. "Although~" he snickered, he then snatched up the girl and put the gun in her hand. "DONT TOUCH HER!" the mother finally replied, her thick accent breaking out. "Mommy," the girl said, looking down. All attention turned to the girl; she looked up, smiling with tears falling down. "I know it's bad, but he won't lie, I can feel it. He said he won't kill me, " she mutters, though loud enough to hear. The small girl looked into the man's dark brown eyes, similar to her own. After a moment, she spoke a sentence that shocked everybody. "This man hates liars."

At this, the villain stared at her, an unrecognizable look flashing across his face. "Oh my, what an empath." He rolled his eyes before spinning her around and wrapping his hands around hers. He made her point the gun at her dad "Shoot" he orders. Her eyes widened, and she cried harder, "n-no, I don't want to hurt him." "Do it, " the father said lowly, his voice cracking a bit. He looked the girl in the eyes,"Just know that I love you, Solntse. I don't want any harm to come to you." The mom stood up and quietly said,"I love you too, and if I'm gonna die, then I wanna die with him." The small child, shaking like a leaf, locked eyes with her parents. The two nodded to her, and the villain took his hands off hers. "Now go ahead." She moved her finger to the trigger, 

"I'm sorry." she pulled the trigger erratically. Freezing, she dropped the gun in shock.

"Go on, princess," the tease becomes more of a nickname. As soon as he did, she rushed to their sides. "Oh, we love you," the woman struggled out. With all his strength, the father sat up, and he pulled the girl down to where she was in between them. They lay like a child who had a nightmare and ran to their parents. The man wrapped his arms around the two as both parents say, "I love you." The girl looks up. "I'm sorry." she says quietly. The fathers' eyes widen as he sheds a single tear before his eyes darken, the joy and life now gone. The girl laid there and reached up to close their eyes, "Aren't you going to take me somewhere?" she asked sadly, holding back tears. But when she looked up, the man was in front of her. He wiped her tears that remained on her face, smiling softly before standing up. "I'll see you again someday," he said with an unsettlingly kind smile as he disappeared into the darkness.

She laid there in between her parents as if they were only sleeping, ignoring the door slamming open. Men ran in the room as one gave the order "check their pulses!" The small girl sat up with her hand out, signaling to stop, and he did. She looked up at him, with sad eyes and her puppet mouth. She looked at all the men. "I know how bad you might feel about this," she said. They were all confused, "but you were too late," she said, "I'm the only one left." The man said that he would not kill me." she spoke softly. A scruffy looking man stepped out and kneeled down next to her, "Are you alright?" she asked him, his eyes widened. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he grunted out, "Erasure, what the hell??!!"

Another man was about to scold him, but instead, the girl put both hands on the sides of his face, confusing everybody. "Wha-" he was cut off by her squishing his face to shut him up. She simply stared into his jet-black eyes. When she took her hands off his face, she smiled and mumbled, "Don't worry so much." After she said that, his eyes widened,"how did you do that?" he asked, " I think I got my quirk while trying to help my papa, " she responded. A man gripped his gun and said, "How nice. MEN! GET THE KID OUT FIRST!" She glared at him."I'm not trying to be rude, sir, but would you kindly shush. I'm really sleepy." After saying that, she leaned onto Aizawa's chest,"I think... I'm gonna' trust you, " she mumbled before falling asleep.

A/N:  I feel dumb, so if anyone knows anything about Russian, then correct me, PLEASE! It's not my language, nor do I know much about it. I've not done too much research yet, so bear with me.

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