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A/N her name is Vera

~Vera pov.~

I heard voices, but all I saw was darkness. As I came to my senses, I realized who the voice was. I keep my eyes closed and listen to the man from before, I believe his name was 'Aizawa'. He spoke in a low voice, "Please?" he asked. That's when another voice spoke,"It's up to her if she wants to go to an orphanage or live with you. She said she trusts you though, " he chuckled a bit. I open my eyes and sit up, the other man doesn't see me but Aizawa does. "Did you need my help with something?" I ask them, the man I don't recognize walks up, and I look at him cautiously. "Don't worry, little one, I'm the chief of police." He smiles, but instead, I start giggling. "Not to be mean mr cop but your doggy smile is kinda funny." he snickers a little and pats me on the head. "Thank you, young Vera."

After the man was taken away, I sat at the end of my hospital bed.

"I heard you needed to ask me something?" I say, he seems to think a bit before he remembers. "Actually, I wanted to adopt you," he says, I smile, "Sure." He looks at me like I have two heads, "really?" He asks, "I already told you that I trust you, and if I say no, I won't have any parents."

"Would you be okay if you have two dads?" He asks, uncertain. I smile even wider."That would be awesome!" He looks at me slightly,"also." I giggle .You should really breathe, I don't want my new dad air drowning!" He lets out a breath he apparently didn't know he was holding. "Are you really six? You act a little older." he points out, "Would you rather have me be crazy and messy?" I ask, tilting my head. He chuckles. "You got a point." I stand up and start jumping up and down, "Can we go meet him?" I ask, Who? My husband?" He questions, I nod excitedly. He chuckles and says, "Of course we can."

On our way there, I see a bunch of people staring at me. Some were laughing, and some scared. There was only one person who didn't do either. It was an older boy around 12. He had spiky, soft red hair and electric blue eyes, along with a few red marks on his face. I tug on Aizawa's sleeve, and as he went to ask why, he noticed the people around us.

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