Chapter Five

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The last few days have been a blast for Brittany. Her family made sure that her few last days in Ohio were unforgettable. She woke up at 6am to get ready for her flight at 10am. She had to get to the airport at 8am to be ready for her flight and she was nervous because this is the first time she's flown on an aeroplane by herself.  Her family drove her to the airport and walked her as far as they could. When they got to security, Brittany turned around and her mom began speaking
'You know, from an early age I could tell you were destined to be a star. I'm so happy that this is happening for you and I'm really proud of you. You are overcoming so much to do this and I couldn't be prouder. I love you Brittany.' Her mother said as she took Brittany into a hug.
'I love you too, Mom.'
Brittany hugged her dad and told him she loved him. Then she looked down and saw her sister looking back at her, upset.
Brittany crouched down so that she would be the same height as Bethany.
'I'm going to miss you Britt-Britt.'
'I'm going to miss you too. You'll be able to see me soon when I go on tour with the band. I'll come back and we can go out for the day if we can. If you ever want to phone me then ask Mom if you can, okay? Come here' Bethany walked into Brittany's arms and gave her a hug. After about a minute, Bethany let go and Brittany was able to start walking through security. She looked back at her family once more and smiled then continued walking through security.
5 hours later she had landed in LA and was trying to find Sam. He had text her 5 minutes ago saying he was there so she looked around and eventually found him. He was looking at his phone so she called out his name and he looked up to see Brittany in front of him.
'Hey Sam.'
'Hey Britt, it's so nice to see you again.'
'It's nice to see you too.'
'We should probably get going.' Sam said. 'Your apartment is half an hour away and Kevin wants to see you in an hour so we can only stop in.'
'Okay great, lets go.' Brittany exclaimed. She grabbed her luggage and they began their journey to the apartment.
They continued to walk to Sam's car, when Sam broke the silence and said
'You'll love your roommate. You'll be sharing an apartment with one of the talents.'
'Speaking of, who am I working with?'
'I can't reveal that yet because there's a few forms, confidentiality agreement etc for you to sign. You won't need to be secretive for long but the company like to announce it so they'll stop you from announcing it for a little while.'
'Oh okay, that's fair enough. I get it. I'm excited to get to work really.'
'The whole crew is really fun and tour is normally a blast. It really helps when you all enjoy your job.'
'Trust me, I will.'
After a while, the duo reached the apartment and walked in.
'Your room is the one at the back.' Brittany walked to the end of the hallway and opened the door but saw there was a lot of stuff in there.
'Um Sam, I don't think this is my room.'
'It definitely is.' Sam entered the room and was clearly confused. 'Okay, just leave your stuff in here and we'll head off.'
Brittany and Sam got to the studio and walked straight to the manager's office. Sam knocked on the door and walked in. After a few seconds, he called Brittany in and she was met with a group of people.
'Hi Brittany, I'm Kevin the manager. This is Harry, my assistant' he said pointing to the person on his right 'and this is Amber, an assistant to the talent.'
'It's nice to meet you all.'
'Before we get started, you will need to sign a few forms confirming that you will begin working for us but also a confidentiality form as working for a band comes with a lot of secrets but many people want you to reveal everything, so we need to make sure that doesn't happen.'
'Of course. I completely understand.' Brittany went through the forms and signed what she needed to. 'I just wanted to thank you again for allowing me to work for you.'
'Of course, we all really enjoyed your work when we did the research and the talent is really excited to work with you.'
'I'm really excited too. So who will I be working with?'
'You'll be working with The Troubletones.'
'What the hell?' Brittany thought to herself. She struggled to comprehend that she's working with them.
'Wow, I-I can't believe it. I've been a fan for so long.'
'I'm glad. Okay, Sam could you take Brittany on a tour and introduce her to everyone?' Kevin asked.
'Of course.' He replied.
'Okay, the last stop on the tour. This is where everyone tends to hang out during breaks or whatever.' Sam said. They walked in and saw the girl group standing there. Brittany had to try so hard to not break down when she met them. 'Girls, this is Brittany. The new choreographer.' What followed next was a chorus of introductions from the girls.
'Hi, I'm Quinn.'
'Hi. I'm Mercedes.' Then came Santana.
'Hi, I'm Santana.' Brittany was in awe with the person who was stood in front of her. Santana was always her favourite as she connected with Santana's coming out story. It's not often that you see a member of the LGBTQ+ community as successful as Santana.
'I'm so honoured to be working with you guys. I have been a fan for a long time. I know you probably don't like people saying that-'
'Oh, we do.' Mercedes said, receiving a laugh from the other group members.
'Well for today Britt, it'll just be getting to know the girls and settling in as it's been a long day. It'll be an early start tomorrow so we should take it easy today.'
'Yeah, I kinda just wanna go home and relax for a little bit. That reminds me, who will I be living with?'
'That would be me.' Santana replied.
'Damn it' Brittany thought.
'That's great.'
'San, what was up with the room filled with stuff? I thought that was Brittany's room.'
'Shit. I completely forgot to clear it. I'll have to do it when we get home.'
'I can help you if you want.' Brittany suggested.
'That would be great.' Santana smiled at Brittany and Brittany's cheeks went bright red. Brittany ducked her head away to hide the blush on her face.
'I'm feeling hungry, does anyone want to go get some food?' Mercedes asked.
'Yeah, sounds good. Where should we go' Quinn replied.
'We could go to Olive Garden. I love some good Italian food.' Sam suggested.
'Great, I'll drive.' Mercedes offered.
Brittany felt a bit awkward in this group but she hoped that it would change soon.
It definitely hasn't been around a month since I last posted... I'm so sorry guys. Make sure you go follow me on Instagram and Twitter @brittanastanxx.

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