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Fruit Salad stares once again at popcorn chicken salad from afar, daydreaming about him. You see, fruit salad always had a crush on popcorn chicken salad from the day that he helped her up when she fell. She was always very shy, so she had very few friends aside from Ketchup Bottle. "Hey Fruits," said Ketchup Bottle, "it's time to go!". With one last glance, Fruit salad left for her next class, history 4th period. She was planning on confessing to popcorn chicken salad tomorrow, and this time she means it. as she wanted to a few times, but was always too shy or never had the chance.
She walks to the back of the class, where her seat always is, she doesn't mind, she can plan on what to say to popcorn chicken salad when she confesses. Zoning out, she scribbles some doodles in her notebook until the bell rings. Luckily the teacher didn't notice as fruit salad usually had good behavior.
Skipping out of class, she bumps into Strawberry Yogurt. "Why in such a rush? She says. Oh no, Fruit Salad was scared, because Strawberry Yogurt was one of the most popular girls in school that also bullies weaker foods. "I-I'm not" Fruit Salad stutters. "Hey aren't you that quiet girl?" Blueberry Jam mocked standing behind Strawberry Yogurt. Fruit salad looked down and nodded. "Well well well, so your the one with a crush on Popcorn Chicken salad" Snared Peanut Butter. "You know, I was planning on confessin' to him tomorrow" She said with her raspy voice, grinning ear to ear,"You wouldn't interfere right?" Pushing Fruit Salad aside snorts and laughter could be heard as they strolled down the hall. Tearfully, Fruit Salad took off the other way, if Peanut Butter also had a crush on her Popcorn chicken salad, then she would have to get rid of her. Finishing the day was almost torture as she planned the downfall of Peanut Butter. And how she was going to pay...

334 words

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