The Haters

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Ashton: It's been years since you two were together and you still couldn't forget about the haters. On Twitter, he would always post pictures of you two together and you couldn't get over all of the hate comments. You would always see,"Eww whose that girl he is with" or "Why is he even with her she's so ugly!" You buried your face in your pillows and cried hysterically. Ashton heard you crying and asked,"Whats wrong, babe?". You looked up from the pillows with teary eyes and inbetween hiccups you said,"I-I can't stand the haters". Ashton put his hand on your cheek and caressed your cheek and said,"Y/N, don't listen to them their just haters, I love you and that's all that matters. You looked into those gorgeous hazel eyes he had. He put a loose strand of hair behind your ear and started to press his lips against yours. You pressed in harder with lots of tongue and let go with blushes. "I love you, Ashton",you whispered in his ear.
Michael: You and Michael were going out on a date. A lot of the fans were really nice to you and loved to take pictures with the both of you. But you felt like the whole date was just fans taking pictures with him which makes it harder for you to talk to him or even be with him. "Michael,I think that's enough pictures can't we have time to hang out?", you asked. "Yess",he said. So you held his hand and you two just hung out. But just then you heard some fans approach him and whispered to each other,"Eww that girl that he with is so pathetic and ugly" and another one said,"Do you think they're dating? How can a hot guy date such and ugly girl". That made your eyes teary. "Hey Michael, can we get some pictures here",they both asked. But Michael just ignored them and said,"Sorry but I want to be with my beautiful girlfriend and I'm sorry you don't like her". You couldn't believe it. "Y/N, please ignore them their just haters and I love you", he said. You blushed.
Calum: You hated to hide your face when you two were together but you were just so afraid of the haters and what they will think of you. Calum didn't like it either it happens on every date. He just wanted to see your beautiful face and be able to get close to you and touch you. You were afraid of your surroundings and it was all because of some mean tweet about you. "Y/N, don't be this way how worse can it get? It was just ONE mean tweet", he said while caressing your cheek. But then you realized, he was right. So you took off your hood and smiled.
Luke: You were always insecure about your look. You've always wanted to change everything about your face and body. Like your face, you hate the face shape and absolutely hate the shape of your nose. You always wonder about the mole on the top of your forehead. Luke has never taken any pictures of you two since you were so insecure and didn't know what the fans will think. "Y/N, you are beautiful don't feel insecure and haters gonna hate",he said. You still felt insecure even when he tries to encourage you. "Y/N listen, you are perfect the way you are I can't see how you don't see it." "Oh course everyone has imperfections no one is perfect I'm just glad I'm lucky to have you". Just then, you had it and ran your hands through his dirty blonde hair and kissed him. "I am perfect?", you wondered. (Sorry if Luke's chapter sucks I ran out of ideas ha!)

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