You Like Him But He Has A Girlfriend

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Ashton: Your heart raced as you watched your crush hanging out with his girlfriend. Your following sad eyes darted to Luke as he made his way to the seat next to you. "Hey", you said as you stared intently at his lip ring. "Hey." You watched intently as Ashton stroked her long, wavy thick copper brown hair then looked deeply into her shining brown eyes, caressing her cheek and softly kissing her natural pink lips. You sighed sadly. "I wish I was her." You turned back around in envy as your cheeks started to turn bright pink. Luke sighed. "Oh Ashton Irwin, if only I was with you, I would stroke your brown curly hair and gently kiss your soft lips", you said quietly.
Michael: "Hey", you said as your eyes darted to your best friend, Michael. You and Michael have been best friends for a long time and you had always liked him. "Hey", he said back. You looked at his emerald green eyes wondering, "YASSS I wanna be with you forever I wanna run my hands through your dyed lilac hair and make babies with you and they would all be pretty because of you. You could only imagine. You walked towards him. But just as you did, he was with this other girl. You frozed just looking them together. He had his hands around her and kisses her on the cheek. You just stood there, surprised and upset. Just then, he had quickly noticed you and had walked up to you with "her" in his hands. "Oh hey y/n, I just wanted you to meet my new girlfriend, Cassie." She flipped her straightened bleached blonde hair that was swept to one side and looked at you through her ice blue eyes and long lashes and was wearing A LOT of eye liner. She was wearing a ripped Green Day T-shirt and ripped black skinny jeans. "G-GIRLFRIEND?!", you were surprised. "Uhh hi?", she said raising an eyebrow and looking at you like a piece of trash. You just waved back with your eyes filled with envy.
Calum: "Calum is such an awesome guy", you thought about him. "He's funny, cute, smart, adorable." Then you thought again. "But taken." You intently watch him with her. But you couldn't blame him she was BEAUTIFUL. You envy her long wavy brown hair dip dyed with black, her amber eyes with natural long eyelashes, and flawless beach tan skin. Jealousy keeps containing yourself. But you envy her especially because she was with the most amazing guy on Earth. "Hey y/n", said Calum as he quickly noticed you. "Hey",you said sadly. "Are you okay?You seemed kinda down", he said and sat next to you. "Well..", you began. You knew it was time to tell him now or never. "Oh Calum, wanna go somewhere and hang out?", she said as she grabbed his wrist. "Sure", he said and stood up. "Um y/n, I'm gonna have to go I'll see ya", he said as he began moving along. You sighed sadly. "If only he knew."
Luke: You hated your best friend's girlfriend, Keyla. She is a bitch and doesn't deserve your bestfriend, Luke. She is a fake,phony diva that wears a lot of makeup, fake hair extensions, fake tan, fake lashes, and fake nails. Everything about her was fake. "Are you okay with us dating?", Luke would always ask. You faked your smile and lied,"Uhh yeah." Luke was an amazing guy that you've always wanted to be with but you couldn't. One day, you made your way to the mall and couldn't believe your eyes. That bitch, Keyla was there fucking another guy! "Aha!", you said as you had caught up with her. She rolled her eyes. "Ugh it's you just tell that jerk WE'RE OVER." "JERK. JERK?! YOU'RE THE JERK LUKE IS THE BEST BOYFRIEND YOU CAN EVER HAVE AND YOU CALL HIM THE JERK?!", you finally got it out of your system and walked away feeling embarrassed. As you quickly made your way out the door a tall figure had bumped into. "Ow! That-" But just as you were about to say something, you looked up to see Luke dressed in a tux. "Oh um hey", you said looking kinda embarrassed. "Hey", he said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You don't um-", you began. "Yeah?" "Keyla is um with another guy", you said while looking down at your feet. "Oh", he said sadly. "Ye-ah", you said and slowly made your way out. "Wait!", said Luke behind you. You turned around. "Yeah?" "Y/N, I know it's a little too awkward to say this but-", he hesitated. You fully turned your front to him and went closer. "I love you." The words had finally came out of his mouth. "What?", you looked confuse. "Yeah, when me and Keyla were dating I had always liked you and I think you're the most beautifulest girl ever", he said with charm looking deeply into your eyes. You smiled and said,"I love you too." He began to press his lips against yours and as it happened, a smiled broke into the kiss.

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