You Miss Him

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(Hey guys so sorry for not updating lately it's just that I have school and have to keep up with a lot of homework so please I apologize for this and I hope y'all understand. I'll try to update more!)
Ashton: You gently sat at his lap while he was showing you how to play the drums. Your eyes darted from drum to drum and he shows you. "Ash, there's just so much to learn", you protested. "Well if you just try", he says as he holds your wrist while you held onto the drumsticks. "Babbeeee can you please do it for me", you begged. He smiled and shook his head. "Pretty pleeeeeaaassseee," you said begging as hard as you can. "Not until you give me a hug", he said as he stood up and held out his arms. You ran around the room as he chases you and giggled as he picks you up and spins you around. You couldn't stop giggling. He puts you down. "Well y/n, I gotta go", he says as he makes his way to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow?",you asked as you intently made your way to him. He shook his head. "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you", he looked down at his feet. "Yeah?", you looked at him. He hesitates,"I'm moving tomorrow". You were silent. "When will we ever see each other again?" He look around. "We probably might never I'm moving very far away and that means this place is too far so there won't be time for traveling", he says sadly. "Oh." You looked down at your feet. "I love you", he says and softly kisses your lips giving your last goodbye kiss.
Michael: It didn't feel right without your boyfriend. You needed him. He was always beside you. You felt the emptiness inside and your heart being shattered into pieces. It felt cold without him in bed with you and you could feel the emptiness on the side he had slept on. You missed his dyed hair and the strum of his guitar. You imagined him on tour meeting all of those beautiful girls and could've been going on a date with one right now! You started to dial his number and intently waited to hear his voice. "Hello?" You were relieved he had picked up. "Michael?",you started "Yeah?" "H-how was tour?", you asked not knowing what else to say. "It's great got to meet lots of fans and perform at concerts, ya know", his voice cracked. "I miss you", you said and closing your eyes while tears rolled to your cheeks. You could hear him mumbling something. "Well I have to go now",you said as you were about to hang it. "Wait!", he said while your thumb stopped at an inch away from the "end call" button. "Yeah?",you said as you lightened up. "I just want you to know-", he says. "I love you." The tears kept falling from your eyes so you sniffed and said,"I love you too." You could hear him crying on the other line. "I wish you were with me right now."
Calum: Tears fell down to your cheeks as you thought about your boyfriend, Calum as you looked out your plane window. You felt further and further away from him as the plane moves. You hated to do this. You close your eyes, thinking about all the moments you had with him. The time he picks you up and spins you around, the time you both awkwardly laugh at each other. Then you thought, the first time he touches his soft lips against yours. All you wanted was to see him again. You looked out the window and thought,"I love you, babe wherever you are."
Luke: You were so angry at what an asshole Luke was to you. Your face turned red as you thought about the fight you two had today. You buried your face in your hands, sitting down with your back against the cold wall, and cried as hot tears fell to your cheeks burning your face. You didn't know what to do. Over the last couple of days, all you did was cry and you couldn't stop. But you had a feeling that dirty blonde, cerulean blue eyed, lip pierced boy would never come crawling back to you. You were furious at him but you still loved him. As you thought about that, you cried even more longing for him to come back. You took a deep breath and whispered the words,"Please come back."

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