You Like Him But Another Band Member Likes You

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(Credits to cutelucas I totally got that idea from her)
Ashton: You are in love with this boy Ashton for all your life. You wanted him to notice you but he would never and probably doesn't know you even exist. You were two shy to talk to him because everytime you try to talk to crushes, you always screw up and make a fool of yourself. You felt like one of his band members, Michael likes you. He's always been staring at you and it kinda creeps you out. You walked to the store buying a couple of items you needed but behind you, you heard a voice that said,"hey". The voice sounded familiar. You turned around to saw a boy with galaxy colored hair waving at you. "Whoa um hey Michael", you said with a surprised expression. He smiled. "Well you look gorgeous today." You faked your smile and walked a little further away from him. You liked Michael and thought he was really cute but you had feelings for Ashton. He came closer to you and looked deeply into your eyes and you looked deeply into his too. He softly caresses your cheeks and comes in closer forcing his lips to yours but that's when you said,"I LIKE ASHTON!" He immediately stopped and said,"oh", with a sad expression.
Michael: You borrowed his guitar using it and sang a his solo from one of the 5sos songs. He harmonized along to it. It sounded ten times better with Michael there harmonizing and you two have been music partners for a long time and you kinda liked him. You just wished he knew. The door opened and there Luke had popped his head in. "Hey", he said as he waved to you. "Luke, what the fuck are you doing here?", Michael asked astonished. "I'm here to pick up my girlfriend, y/n", said Luke as he blushed. "Girlfriend?!", you said aloud. You were surprised. "Luke, we're not dating!", you tried to explain to him. "What the fuck is going on?" "Y/N, I need to tell you something" He gulped. "I like you." Like you weren't surprised by his comment with the word "girlfriend" in it. Your cheeks began to turn red. Michael was right there in front of you. Your hand went to the back of Michael's head and you began forcing his lips to yours and you gently kissed his soft lips. You cannot believed you did that! In front of Luke the boy that has been crushing on you for all his life and then you've kiss your crush unexpectedly! Your whole face was red. "Umm",Luke mumbled. "Luke, I need to explain", you said while making no eye contact with anyone. "I know you like me but I like Michael."
Calum: "Hey y/n?",asked Ashton as he stared at you. "Yeah?", you asked. You were at the library with Ashton finding some new romantic books so you can actually act in front of your crush Calum. "Well it's really important I want to tell you a long time-" Ashton got interrupted as Calum walked in. You kind of love sighed and made googly eyes at him. "Hey y/n", said Calum as he first saw you. "Uhh hi-",you said as you broke into a sweat talking to your crush. "So y/n um-", Ashton began. "Hold up I'm gonna go with Calum", you said as you hurriedly rush to him. Ashton looked kinda down. You rushed to Calum and said,"hey so what kind of genre are you into?" "Just some romance", he said. "OMG I love those I have a whole collection of those!",you said trying to act as confident as you can. "Ummm yeah", he nodded. "So I've wanted to ask you this for a long time." "Yeah?" "I've been liking you for awhile and I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out." "Uh sure I'd like that", he smiled. You made your way back to the table. "So Ash, what did you want to tell me?" "Oh um, never mind", he said with sad eyes.
Luke: You stared at Luke while sighing lovily as your eyes were glued to him. You watch his every move as his muscles flex. "Hey", said a voice around you. You quickly turned around to see a boy with black hair and chocolate brown eyes. "Calum, you scared me", you said with one hand on your chest." "Oh I'm sorry", he said with a grin. "Sure", you said and turned back to look at Luke again. You loved how he sometimes quiffs up his quiffed up dirty blonde hair. "So um y/n uhh..", Calum began. "Yeah?", you concentrated. You looked into Calum's chocolate brown eyes. "I like you, a lot actually." You started to choke. "What? You do?" "Yeah and I wanted to know if you like me back" You paused right there. "So do you", he was really curious on this one. You started to stare into space not answering but you realized that you didn't want to break his heart so you said,"Uhhh yeah." "So is it okay if I took you on a date?" "Yes absolutely", you said while faking your smile. "Sure meet me tomorrow at 8 PM!"
-The next day-
You all cool and laid back for the date. You were wearing your Nirvana T-Shirt with cut off sleeves and some ripped black skinny jeans and that was something Luke would wear. You still felt down because you never wanted to go on this date. You wanted it
with Luke.
~Skip car ride~
As you got to the All Time Low concert Calum was waiting for you there wearing his usual clothes. "Hey y/n", he greeted you. You waved back shyly. "Whoa you're dressed up just like Luke!" You looked around.
-After concert-
After the concert, Calum decided to go watch some stars with you. "So the stars are beautiful", you said as you gazed up at it. "Just like you", he said as you looked down at your lips. You knew it the moment he was going for it but all of sudden you just said,"Calum there's something I have to confess!" "Yeah", he said while his following eyes went straight up back to your eyes. "Before you kiss me I just wanted to say that I don't like you... I mean you're cute and all but I like Luke", you finally let it all out nervously waiting for his answer. "Oh", he said sadly. "I'm so sorry!", you said as you bit down on your bottom lip. (OMG this is so heartbreaking! Anyways there you have it!I don't know how to end Luke's part I'm so sorry! But anyways I hope you liked it :D)

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