He surpises you for your birthday

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Ashton: You jumped up and down squeaking. "ASH ASH ASH YOU KNOW WHAT TODAY IS!", you said with a big smile. Ashton shrugged,"Of course, babe it's your birthday". You pouted since he hadn't done anything special. "Happy birthday",he said and squeezed you tightly kissing you on the cheek. You bit your lip and stuck out your bottom lip making puppy dog eyes that Ashton couldn't resist. "I love you babe but I gotta go", he said and walked out of your house. You pouted when he left and wondered,"What's going on?" Ashton was with the other boys and asked them,"What should I do for y/n 's birthday?" "You could surpise her with Pikachu", said Michael. "But that's what you like", Ashton said back. "Penguins?", asked Luke. "Okay how about some she likes PROBLEM SOLVED", said Calum rolling his eyes. "Right", said Ashton.
-20 minutes later-
Ashton has invited you over to his house. You wondered what was gonna happen. So when you opened the unlocked door, the house was dark and silent. "Ashton?",you said shuddering. The lights turned on and there, popped out all of your favorite things. Ashton stood behind you, lifted you up from behind and spun you around. You giggled. He has remembered and for this he would totally win the boyfriend tag.
Michael: You and your boyfriend, Michael were in your living room playing some video games you two were the biggest gamers ever and the game was always a tie. But it wasn't until the last one when he made you win. "Hey you were weren't even trying!", you shouted. "Oh well", he said and walked out the door. You got suspicious because he would never do that and today was your birthday.
-5 minutes later-
One of Michael's band mates, Luke had called you to go to some concert. So you got in the car.
~Skip car ride cause it's boring~
The band was there and Michael saw you right in the crowd. He spoke in the microphone and said, "this song is for my beautiful girlfriend, y/n happy birthday" He started to play on his guitar and the other boys started playing their instruments. Luke was up for his solo. "I can't remember the last time I saw your face I feel so lonely when I'm in a crowded space, you left me without direction". Luke came up closer to the microphone,"Cause I've been from place to place trying to win you back I've walked for days and days cause I can't face the fact, that nothing is better than you". They all chimed in," I'm calling because I need to find you is anybody there to caress you it's somebody like me cause I'm just waiting cause somebody like you somebody like you, without you I'm a lost boy come find me I'm a lost boy cause without you I'm a lost without you I'm a lost boy". You loved that song, "Lost Boy" it was one of your favorites. So then Michael came down the stage and serenaded you, "The Only Reason". A tear fell from your eye and you quickly hugged him and crash your lips against yours. Michael wipe a tear from your eye and kissed you.
Calum: Today was your birthday and you never saw your boyfriend, Calum at all today. He never called you or texted you it's like he doesn't care about you. So you try to call him but he won't even pick up! You were getting frustrated and concerned about him. You couldn't even go downstairs, your mum wouldn't even let you. You felt like everyone has abandoned you. So you just listened to some music and chill.
-5 minutes later-
The lights flickered off and it was pitch black.You went to switch on the light again but it wouldn't even turn on. "MUMMM WHAT HAPPENED?!", you yelled in the darkness. There was no answer. You made your way downstairs to your kitchen. But suddenly, all the lights flickered on and everyone screamed,"SURPISE!!!!" Confetti fell from the ceiling making it your house look like a unicorn wonderland. Calum strucked at his bass guitar and started his solo,"I can't look at you in the same light knowing what you did to my heart doesn't feel right, yeah my head'a been trippin' it all night I need another point of view". It was your favorite song ever. You hugged his waist, he grabbed your hand and lean you to the side kissing you deeply in front of everybody. "Thank you, Cal Pal", you said with a bright smile while blushing a tear falling from your eye.
Luke: "BEEP BEEP BEEP", went your alarm clock as you quickly jammed it with your fist. It was your birthday and it was the day your boyfriend, Luke was coming back from tour! You couldn't look forward to this day so you quickly jumped out of bed, styled your hair with a side braid, put on your best dress and heels and did your makeup. Luke had just texted you that he was gonna be at the bus station.
-4 minutes later-
Luke and his other bandmates got off the bus and you ran to Luke and squeezed. "Oh, baby I've missed you so much",you said. "I miss you too", he said and softly kisses you on the lips. You flickered your eyes through your long eyelashes. He takes your hand and walks you home. "So, why are you dressed up all fancy?",he asked as you spun around in your dress. "Don't you know?!" "Uhhh no" "It's my birthday!", you said in a whiny tone. "Oh god I'm so sorry!", he said squeezing you. You rolled your eyes. He then took out his guitar and serenaded you all of your favorite songs. The last song he sang, you didn't quite recognize. He strummed his guitar,"I said I'm sorry for it just please I'm sorry for you I think you'll like me a bit if I ripped my heart into two. You shook your head and smiled,"Luke, I'm being such an asshole, you don't have to do anything just being here is the best thing you can ever give me and besides, you've been on tour for months of course you'll forget about it." He pouted and said back, "But I- " He didn't get to finish because of your lip pressing against his. "I love you", you mumbled inbetween.

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