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If only all of these were necessary.

In the real world, they weren't. But it's like every Nigerian parent had this mentality that without a degree, one would be forever miserable. Now you see, I am not the one to bring up Bill Gates as an excuse for dropping out, but let's face it, I could do better things with my time rather than listening to boring-ass lectures. I have ideas. Business ideas. But it's like every time I took a step to actually starting my empire, it didn't work out.

Now there I was in a 1,500 seater lecture hall listening to some old dude blab about electrons and charges. I was paying attention to be honest, writing down notes even, but I just wished I could be somewhere else, anywhere else, and that was when my prayers got answered.

My phone buzzed in my pockets, and that meant I just received a notification. I reached out for my phone and on bringing it out, I saw it was a message from Diane, my girlfriend.

If you met Diane and asked her about the thing between us, she would tell you we're friends with benefits, but even I knew we're more than that. With the way she looks at me and the way she acts whenever we're alone, I know, that she's definitely in love with me. Sure, I've asked her to be my girlfriend now for like what, three times, and she said no on all occasions, but what the heck, there's no harm in trying right? I know one day, her big girl façade will be over and she will accept me in loving arms.

MY BABY 😘 11:32 PM:

Where are you?

ME 11:32 PM:

I'm in a lecture. What's up?

MY BABY 😘11:32 PM:

I'm lonely. Can you come over?

I'm glad the university is nothing like secondary school. With me having to seek permission and all that. I gently placed my phones and books into my back pack and slid out of the seat. It's not like he would notice one person was missing out of a thousand, and I was even lucky to had filled in my name on the attendance sheet at the beginning of the class. In record, I was still around.

I crept out the back of the lecture hall and finally waltzed out. Outside, there were a lot of people, some studying, some gathered round a phone to watch a movie, some even dry humping. I exchanged pleasantries with my 'friends', as Diane liked to call them. It wasn't as if we weren't friends per say, I just saw them as people I talked to once in a while to kill time or to get something from them. It might make me seem like a bad person, but my heart's not just out for everyone ya know.

I jogged down the flights of staircase and I was finally on the ground floor. The ground floor contained the administrative offices, the cafeteria, insurance building and so on. It was hard to know exactly where she was, so I picked up my phone from my backpack and gave her a call.

She picked up almost immediately, but with a rather displeasing tone. "Where are you?"

"I'm at the ground floor. Where are you?"

"I'm at your dorm waiting for you."

"The hell? I'm not sure I would be able to make it in time."

"Of course you wouldn't if you walked. Hail a cab or hatch a ride with one of your guys or something."

She cut off the phone call and I was alone left to think of what to do. I got out the front doors and people were walking everywhere. It was hard to find Remilekun in such crowds. I scanned the place before me and immediately knew what to do. Sure I knew I would regret it, but I thought of it as a risk worth taking.

I got a hold of a bicycle leaning against a street lamp. In no time, I was being followed with stones thrown at me and people running after me. I wasn't stealing the bike to be honest, just borrowing it for a while, I told myself. I pedalled faster and faster until I knew they were far behind me. I took a sharp turn to the right, made some manoeuvres here and there, and I finally arrived at my dormitory. I parked the bike downstairs on the ground. Of course, it wasn't safe there, but at least, if someone took it, it wouldn't be me. Right?

I ran upstairs to the fifth floor and walked into my room, then turned back to lock it. In front of me was Diane. She was dressed in a very beautiful dress, I don't know if it's a blouse or a top, I just knew it was beautiful. She was there lying down on my bed with her phone and I threw my bag on the floor then joined her on the bed and asked her what she wanted.

"I need you."

"Of course. I know." I said while smiling sheepishly. To others, it might have been nothing, but hearing her say those words made me more than assured that there is indeed something between us. She dropped her phone and pulled me into her and planted a deep kiss on my lips. It was unexpected, but I did what I could do, I received the kiss and this was how we were making out for about a minute until we heard a loud bang on the door.


"Let me go check who it is." I said, as I tried to stop the kiss between us. It was enjoyable to be honest, but I knew the person behind that door wouldn't stop banging unless someone let him in.

The door handles were shaking ferociously and I knew it was only a matter of seconds till the door came down. I got down from the bed and went over to open the door only for a huge guy to come in and grab me by my collar, pinning me against the wall.

"Na him be dis?" the thug asked.

I was confused, what did he mean by na him? What did I do? In fact, who the hell was he?

Diane came down from the bed and took my bag. She opened it and brought out my wallet. I might sound naïve, but I swear I was confused with everything that was happening. She opened my wallet and brought out my debit card.

"Oh Boy. Wetin be d pin."

"What pin? What's a pin?"

The thug slapped me on my cheek and I could feel the stinging burn already. I honestly wanted to cry, but I kept on telling myself it was all a dream. I tried shaking and wiggling myself free from the man's grip, but it was just too tight.

"I say. Na wetin be d pin?" he asked me again before slapping and choking me tighter. Immediately, I blurted out the digits of the pin which happened to be Diane's birthday. Soon enough, I saw Diane pressing her phone, and moments later she dropped my ATM card on the bed and gave me a very mischievous grin. The thug let me down and I began gasping for air. Diane and the thug walked out of the room and I immediately ran over to bring out my phone from my bag. I opened the bank application on the phone to check my balance, and to my surprise there was only thirty-seven kobo left.

It all began in 2020Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt