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I woke up with my head hurt from the previous night. I had a very faint memory of the things that took place and all I could remember was my friends telling to continue gulping down the bottles of alcohol which I now regret doing. When I was up, my vision was still dizzy and I found it difficult to stand upright. I kept on grabbing a hold of the couch, coffee table and walls just to make my way to the kitchen so I could drink some water.

I put my mouth on the mouth of the tap and took in as much water as I could. It didn't get rid of my terrible hangover, but at least I was much better. I ran some water over my head and I continued like this for minutes until I heard the slam of a door. I put off the tap and went to check who was at home with me. "Iya Debo!" There was no response. I got out of the kitchen and from the dining, I saw Tunde standing in front of the couch I woke up from holding something I couldn't make out.


He turned to face me and when he did, I saw he was holding a piece of paper. "Why aren't you in school? What are you holding?" Tunde was a deviant son and I really should have put that in consideration before questioning him because he continued staring at me before asking me, "Why aren't you at work?" With the way he looked at me, I could finally piece everything together, he was with my sack letter. That little brat. "It's none of your business. Okay?" I told him. He flapped the paper and folded it neatly before putting it into his back pocket.

"First, you get fired and you come home drunk. Isn't that too much of an embarrassment?" He told me and walked out on me, shaking his head on the way. I called out to him, repeatedly shouting his name, while I held myself up against the wall. Tunde didn't give me any regard and he just walked into his room and slammed the door shut on me.

I decided not to pay his attitude any more attention than I already did. I would punish him later. Now, all that was on my mind, was finding a way to sober up and get my senses straight once again. I slowly walked towards my cardboard box that was still on the floor from the previous night and I searched it for my phone.

I found my phone and unfortunately, the battery was dead. I went to the bedroom I shared with my wife looking for the charging cord, and when I did, I plugged my phone in but it wasn't charging. I flicked the switch over and over again, but still, nothing before I went over to turn on the light switch, but it wasn't coming on. Shit, the power is out. I fell on the bed with my feet hanging off the edge, and then slowly and peacefully, I drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up by a knock on my door and I told the person to come in. It was Tunde in a fresh new set of clothes. It was quite odd seeing him at home at that hour and that was when it dawned upon me that he was meant to be in school. "Why aren't you in school?" I asked him.

"That's not important. What is important, is that I'm going out."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I'm going out and I thought it was right I informed you adequately."

"You do realise you're talking to your father right?"

"No, I am not. You lost that title when you came in drunk last night." He calmly said. "Anyway. I'll be going out now. I made you some indomie. It's on the table. You better attend to it now before it gets cold." I was shocked, to say the least. I couldn't wrap my head around all that happened, but then again, I was still under the influence of alcohol.

I took off my clothes and went to the bathroom. I put on the shower and stood under it for minutes before actually attempting to washing my body. When I was done, I took my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. As I was doing that, the power came back on and I could hear the beeping sound of my phone, indicating that it was charging. After some gurgles and spitting, I was done brushing my teeth.

I dried myself off with my towel and when I got back to the bedroom, I went to my phone and I put it on, to allow any text messages to enter. Almost immediately, my phone was flooded with thousands of messages and I had to wait a long time for everything to pour in. I donned some clothes on and went to the dining and there was an actual plate of indomie waiting for me. Silently, I thanked Tunde, because heaven knows that I was hungry. I sat down and took my time to eat the food while I waited for my phone to finish retrieving all the messages I received.

I enjoyed the food, to be honest, and that made me almost forgive and forget all the jargons that came out of Tunde's mouth earlier. If only he was like that very often, he would have been a very good son. I took my plates to the kitchen, washed them immediately, dried them off and placed them in the plate rack, appropriately.

When that was over, I went back to the bed, intending to reply to every message one after the other. I then realised that most of the messages came from Sola. I decided to reply to the other people on my contact list before attending to Sola's messages. When I was done, I pressed the button that said Sola and since I couldn't read the entire thing, I scrolled down to the very last message that seemed to get my attention.

SOLA 02:11 AM:

Guy. I can help you.  

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