Try to love him. Try to like him.

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I was walking around a beautiful royal garden. The scents of the most luxurious flowers mingled with the gentle breeze. My favourite was this place, the garden. Ana and Petra followed me the whole time.

Her Majesty, the king's mother: Why aren't you with other court ladies?

Me: I do not enjoy their company.

Her Majesty, the king's mother: Go and join them.

Me: I do not need to listen to your commands.

Her Majesty, the king's mother: It is not my command, it's the king's command.

I paused and walked slowly toward the polo field. I saw Nicolas and went to him.

Me: Do you play polo?

Nicolas: I have to.

We were quiet for a few minutes.

Nicolas: Why don't you go and meet a few ladies?

Me: No, thank you.

Nicolas: I noticed that Mariella is never with you.

Me: I have two ladies, so I give Mariella free time when I am not in my room.

Nicolas: It is her job to follow you. She needs to be behind your ladies.

Me: She is my maid and I can order her as I please.

I saw the king's aunt.

Me: She is your aunt (I pointed at her), right?

Nicolas: Yes.

Me: I am going to meet her.

He just ignored me. I walked to her.

Me: Hello. I do not think we have met yet.

Princess Angela: Oh, hello dear. My name is Angela, I am the king's aunt.

Me: I know, he talks about you a lot.

Princess Angela: Really? I did not know that you are talking.

Me: We are not. That was a lie.

Princess Angela: You know, I knew your mother and the moment I saw you, I knew who you were.

Me: People say she was a great princess until Bulgaria became a republic.

Princess Angela: She was a great princess and wonderful woman. She was a people's princess.

Me: Maybe one day, I would be like her.

Princess Angela: I know you will.

I beamed.

Me: I wanted to ask you something.

Princess Angela: Ask.

Me: Why is king Nicolas so cold. He does not care about me. I mean I do not expect him to love me, I just want to know him, to be his friend.

Princess Angela: He was happy and joyful until his father died. He was never close to his mother, but when his father died, he needed someone.

Me: So he picked a wrong person.

Princess Angela: Well, yes. She taught him to be independent and just not to care about feelings and emotions. As a king, he needs to care about himself and his family. He can't be soft-hearted. And his emotions just turned off.

Me: Just because of her?

Princess Angela: Yes, unfortunately.

Me: Why he can not just talk to you.

Princess Angela: He's like a drug addict, he does not want to admit he needs help.

Me: I want to help him, but he does not allow me. I don't even have a chance to do that.

Princess Angela: He will soften one day, you will see. But I am worried it will be too late for help.

Me: What was his brother like?

Princess Angela: They were not very close. Prince Michael was the heir to the throne, so he was the centre of attention. The only person who was with Nicolas was his father.

Me: What about you?

Princess Angela: I was not present during his childhood. I lived in Italy. I didn't want to be part of the royal family. I ran away from my duties. But when I realized that Nicolas needs support, it was too late. And since then, I have lived here and suffered my sister.

Me: I try to talk to him...

Princess Angela: But he does not want to talk, right?

Me: Right.

Princess Angela: Try to love him. Try to like him. One little help, he loves to play chess in the evening, before bed. Maybe try to get closer to him.

Me: I will try my best. Thank you, princess Angela.

Princess Angela: Oh, please, call me Angela.

I smiled and left. I couldn't find Petra and Ana, so I went to the room.

Mariella: Good afternoon, Princess Sofia.

Me: Hello, Mariella. How are you? You do not like polo either?

Mariella: I used to love it.

Me: I never met you. Mariella is not a name for a maid.

Mariella: I used to be a court lady.

Me: Oh, what happened?

She was quiet for a few seconds.

Me: I am sorry, you do not need to tell me. By the way, can you play chess?

Mariella: Of course.

Me: Please, teach me.



Princess Angela- Sutton Foster

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