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Hey don't judge me what else could I have named this?

Sophie was in tears when Fitz came in. He hadn't felt too good lately, either, but then again, nobody had. 

"Hey..." he said softly. Sophie didn't respond.

"It's my fault..." Sophie whispered. "I was there. Again. And still... he..."

"Sophie, it's not your fault and you have to understand that. It is not your fault that Keefe was such a jerk." Anger was building up in him at the thought, but he was learning to control it. 

Fitz blew out a breath. "I... he... how could he do this to you? Like, again?"

"I don't know. I really don't know. And you should have heard everything he shouted. Like, remember what Master Cadence said before at Riverdrift? 'No one could fake that level of pure, poisonous hatred.'. And that's how I felt. I'd never have thought Keefe would join the Neverseen for good. He's not even under the excuse of double-agent, he's gone like Alvar did."

"Alvar," Fitz growled in a low voice. "I bet he was the one that really influenced him, with all his 'I treat you like a little brother' rubbish. It's all trash and I can't believe it made him join."

There was a moment of silence.

"About what he said... can I see?" Fitz asked hesitantly.

Sophie nodded faintly and Fitz closed his eyes, stretching out his consciousness and entering his cognate's mind. 

Nothing ever prepared him for what he was about to hear.

"Keefe, you're doing this all wrong. You have to fight them to win, not join them." Sophie's desperate voice cried out.
"Foster. You and your Black Swan have claimed to be protecting half the Elvin world for the past two years. Maybe that's true. But at the same time you're destroying the other half. You are useless. You can't even manage your own power and you want others to come join and help you. Pathetic." Keefe spat. He was wearing a Neverseen cloak. They were both at a Neutral Territory. A snowy mountain, chunks of ice flying everywhere. And a blizzard to complete the effect. Fitz shuddered.

"No, Keefe, don't..." Sophie cried. She'd never have thought Keefe would say that to her. This was the utmost betrayal. Many, many times worse than the previous time.

"No. Just shut up okay? You weren't even supposed to follow me here, only you were too nosy to stay behind. Next time, mind your own business. Now okay, they're here."

"No... Keefe..." Sophie made one last effort, but Gisela and Gethen were there already. Gethen grabbed Keefe, but he made no resistance. Seeming impressed, Gethen grinned, before extracting two things from his cape pocket. A vial of light from Candesia and a crystal. There was a brief flash as he released the light. Then both he and Keefe were gone. But Keefe's mom was still there. Bracing herself for a full-fledged battle, Sophie rubbed the tangled knot of emotions in her stomach. However, Gisela merely laughed. "I'm glad that my son has finally learned," she remarked, sneering at Sophie. There was a flash of light and Gisela was gone.

Getting away from the mountain was not Sophie's issue. Getting away from the trauma was the issue. This, she could never forgive. Not if Keefe came back grovelling to the Black Swan. At this point, Sophie already did not give a care to how Keefe was doing. In fact, she was hoping that Gisela would murder her own son.

Fitz's face was white with shock. "He... how could he say that?" he fumed, every syllable laced with hate and pure, boiling rage.

"I don't know," Sophie whimpered. "I'm trying not to believe what he said, but it's true... I really am useless."

"No you're not, Sophie," Fitz told her forcefully. "It isn't your fault Keefe was such a... not gonna say that word... but you could have done nothing to stop him. No one could've."

"And that's what gets me," Sophie whispered. "Nobody could have stopped him from doing that. He chose to join after all we've tried to do to stop him previously. Now I wish him a painful, bloody death." 

A shadow passed over her face.
Fitz flinched. 

Sophie had a dark side.

Reaaaaally dark. (lemmon_lenny yes I'm talking about you.)

"Chill, Sophi- I mean, no. I can't even chill about this. Feel free to freak your guts out."

"Okay, I'm glad you understand that."

So guys, that's (sadly) all I have for today. I'll update Betrayal soon!!!

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