Move On - it's all you can do

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"It really isn't your fault."

Those were the five words that had kept Sophie alive since Keefe had betrayed them. Her hands curled into fists at the thought. She'd tried to stop him. Keefe had clearly seen the despair and pleading etched in her eyes, yet he'd still gone. Sophie stared out of her window at the beautiful small hills and cliffs of Havenfield, her eyes glassy. He hadn't cared. The determination, rebellion and twisted happiness on his face just as she leaped away completely gave him away. Fitz had comforted her slightly, and Biana too, but... Grady wasn't helping much.

"I told you to beware of That Boy."


"I knew he'd do that."


"Undeserving of forgiveness."

"Don't say I didn't warn you, Soph."


A cloud drifted over the moon, momentarily dimming it's reflection on the lapping waves under the cliffs below. The stars twinkled, too brightly, too good to be true.

Like Keefe Sencen's pretense.

Sophie heaved a sigh. Warm tears had begun to trickle down her cheeks; overflowing silvery pools in her chocolate brown eyes. Sophie roughly swiped an arm across her eyes, leaving them dry and painful. But it didn't matter. She couldn't show weakness.

This is what they want.

The Neverseen had shown unpredictability, but they also demonstrated similar tactics with each and every attack. Make a detailed plan, set up an ambush, distract, surprise, attack, defeat.

And it's the same each time, isn't it? Sophie thought bitterly, an icy cold spreading through her. They always win.

S-soph? A drowsy voice in her head cut off her train of thought. That was strong, what's bothering you?

What's bothering me? Sophie snapped. What do you think?

There was silence.

Sorry, Fitz breathed. I'm kinda tired, you woke me up, see. I'll be over soon, tell Sandor to let me in so I won't wake your parents up.

Minutes later, Fitz entered Sophie's room. Settling down next to her on the floor near her window, he gazed out into the night. The dark blue midnight sky looked out of a fairy tale. Perfect, with the shining moon and stars completing the whole enchanting effect. Out in the pastures, a cool, gentle breeze blew a few leaves across the fields, an invisible twirling force.

"Do you... want to try and connect to Keefe?" Several minutes passed before Fitz spoke up cautiously. "I know it could be tough having to talk to him."

Sophie closed her eyes.

Memories of the past came flashing through her head.

"That was reckless!"

"Sophie, please, don't ever scare us like that again."

"Sophie, please tell me what's going on!"

"You have to trust him in order to find out if you can."

"Forgiveness is important, Sophie. I'm glad you know that."

"I wish it never happened, I wish I could take it all back!"

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