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Lando yawns as he lays his head on top of his helmet which is resting on his lap, waiting for his first qualification ever. Lando barely slept last night as he was so stressed and nervous for today. Carlos sees his younger friend and doubts if he should ask if something was wrong. The young Spaniard walks up to his new friend since 1 month now with a smile.

"Ready?" Carlos asks as he sits next to Lando. The Brit turns his head to Carlos and smiles softly before nodding. "You look tired tho" Carlos asks with a worried look as he strokes some hair tufts out of the way. Carlos feels a bit tired himself, even tho he slept like a prince last night.

"Nervous for today I guess" Lando said, trying to smile the best he could. The young Brit couldn't really sleep last night and he wasn't sure why. "You'll do great Lando" Carlos said with a smile as he sits next to Lando and wraps an arm around him. "Just make sure not to beat me" Carlos continued with a wink, making Lando shyly chuckle as a blush creeped on his face.

"Hmm, we'll see about that" Lando let out one of his high pitched giggles and Carlos couldn't help but smile at him. The young Spaniard had became such a good friends with Lando in the past month. They got along very well and it just seemed to click. His dad had offered Lando plenty of times to come over for dinner and Lando happily agreed most of the timr

Carlos Sainz sr. walked over to the two friends and smiled down at them. "Ready to go boys?" He asks as both of them nod, Lando still slightly insecure. Carlos' dad crouched down in front of the Brit and smiled as he lays his hand on Lando's shoulder. "Just do what you've done in practice all the time. You have talent Lando. Just believe in yourself" Lando was so grateful for Carlos' dad to say these things. He feels like a father for him.

Carlos smiled at Lando and pats him on the back aswell. The younger one smiles at both of them and nods before he jumps up. Carlos sr. Takes them to their karts as Carlos gives Lando one tight hug before settling himself in the kart. Lando, still a little bit speechless, eventually waddles to his kart aswell and takes a deep breath.

He replays Carlos sr. his words in his mind and grips on the steering wheel. He closes his helmet and takes full concentration inside of him. When he sees the karts in front start to roll, he starts to drive aswell. He was feeling excited and nervous at the same time, giving him a shaky chill down his spine. But he was ready for it. Carlos believed in him, Carlos' dad believed in him.. and he believed in himself.

After qualifying heat

Lando climbed out of his kart and opened his racing suit a little at the top. He has absolutely no clue how his performances were while he walked up to Carlos and his dad. "We'll get the times soon Lando, but I bet it'll be alright" Carlos' dad restures the young Brit and smiles gently down at him as Lando smiles back.

Lando pulls off his helmet and balaclava and puts them on the little table next to Carlos his helmet. "I'm heading off to the building to check if they got any results yet" Carlos' dad said before he walked away to the building. Lando gulped and softly poked Carlos in his side when a tall guy walks up to the duo. And by his body language he doesn't seem quite happy.

"You're Lando Norris, right? The new one?" The guy asked on a harsh tone, making Lando flinch back slightly. "Y-yeah?" Lando could feel Carlos slightly tensing up as the guy smirks. Not a funny smirk, evil. His expression suddenly changes into annoying as he steps closer to Lando, making the young Brit gulp. "How dare you to suddenly join or competition?" He asked with an angry glare as Lando helplessy looks at him.

"Because he deserves to, now leave Fernando. We don't want you here" Carlos said with a glare as the guy scoffed. He glared at Carlos once more and then back to Lando before walking off again. "Y-you know him?" Lando shyly asks, still slightly shaking of what just happened. "He is.. was.. my bestfriend. In Kindergarten. He is slightly older then us" Carlos said as he glared over where the guy was still standing, still smirking from time to time at the duo.

𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 // 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora