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Warning: bullying and violence
If You're not comfortable with these things then please consider if you want to read it. It's mainly emotional and not much physical violence.

Worst time of the day. Lando walks over the quiet hallway, hands burried in the pocket of his hoodie, eyes focused on the ground. Carlos and Thomas both have science, but Lando has a one hour break. Usually he'll be happy with a break, who wouldn't? But walking through the school alone, memories in the back of his back, doesn't make him feel that good.

Back in England, he didn't have much friends. Lando wasn't popular like the rest of the kids in his class. Lando was different. It got even worse when one day, he had spilled one of his biggest secrets to his best friend then. "Liam, I have to say something" he said all shyly and scared. "What is it Lando?" He asks, not looking at his friend but more concentrated at the game of FIFA playing on the TV.

"I think I'm gay.." he said softly, barely audible but still loud enough for Liam to hear. His friend dropped his controler and Lando didn't even dare to look. Although he thinks he's gonna look weird, he still had somewhat hope his best friend would understand. Maybe he would even support him, help him- "ew, that's disgusting" Lando's heart dropped in his chest as he looked up at his friends.

Soon after that, Liam had told the whole school. Everyone was eyeing him weirdly and cussing at him. Lando always came home with tears in his eyes. He had never shown his parents, for many reasons. Let's say he didn't want to make them worried. This happened only half a year ago, before the last bit of positive thoughts were wrenched out of the young Brit. Nobody liked him. So Lando started to hate himself aswell.

Without saying anything, his mum sended him to Spain. He remembers her being sad aswell, but Lando still didn't understand. Lando wasn't even able to say goodbye to his little sister. It all happened so quickly, that Lando doesn't even remember how he ended up on this school. Yet he's very grateful to end up here. Else he wouldn't have met Carlos or Thomas, the family Diaz or mr. And mrs. Sainz. He can't really imagine a life without them anymore. They became such an important part in his life already, even for such a young boy, Lando knew. He felt it.

Strolling over the hallway, both hands tightly holding the straps of his bag, he gulps at how silent it suddenly got. Lando didn't dare to look around, even tho he does feel eyes on him. Lando hates how his heart is pondering in his chest and his throat had gone dry. He feels the eyes on him, and suddenly everything just reminds him of his school back in England. The ice cold hallway, eyes burning on his skin.

"Fernando! Isn't that the one from the kart track?" Lando quit his actions the second that sentence was yelled through the hallway. His heart was racing like crazy as he only dared to look at the tips of his shoes, pointing at each other. "Oh, the dwarf" he heard someone else shout, guessing that's Fernando. Lando remembers how Fernando and some others were watching him at his first time going karting. He shivers at the throwback.

Lando decides it's the best for him to continue in his tracks, before any of those guys could hurt him. He speeds up, his small legs trying to carry the pace his mind had forced him to do. Lando saw the doors to outside when he looked up, a smile of relieve forming on his lips until he suddenly feels himself getting pulled back. It was only a few seconds before he got slammed into the lockers with a loud smash, and he could finally see who pulled him back, if that was even a question.

"You think ignoring people is nice, huh?" Fernando said with an mean grin on his face. "I-I didn't hear y-you, I was-" "oh shut up you faggot" The Spaniard yelled, smashing the whimpering mess into the lockers again. "You think you're all good yeah? With your karts and stuff?" Fernando lowered his tone, trying to avoid teachers or others hearing them. Fernando's friends were around them, dirty grins on their faces aswell.

𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 // 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐Where stories live. Discover now