Chapter 7: Earth; Part 2

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Kara shrieked, and, not thinking, she ripped off her glasses and raced for the brunette.

Alex was listening to her music, earphones plugged in. She barely noticed the car that headed her way. Until she heard someone yell her name, and the screeching of tires sounded. She looked up, a car that was desperately trying to brake was headed straight for her. It was not going to stop in time.

Alex was frozen in place, before she felt herself get scooped up in someone's arms, on the other side of the road.

A flash of gold. The next thing she knew, Alex was staring into the eyes of Kara Zor-El.

Kara, who had just willingly revealed herself as alien to save her life. A girl she had hated since she had arrived at her house.

Kara looked at Alex, and set her down on her feet gently. Her ears were ringing. The world seemed so much louder. No, it was just her new powers.

The speed she ran to catch Alex? That was her new powers.

She was thrilled with the new abilities that ran through her veins.

She saw the cape first. Then the man.

As she stared at the man who she could still not believe was Kal, in his usual red and blues. He dared a look at her, "Kara? What happened?"

"W-well, I saw Alex walking with her phone, a-and I spotted the car that was heading for her. I just ran. All I could think of was to keep her safe. To save her."

Kal just nodded. His eyes seemed to hold some form of understanding, some unspoken words evident in his eyes.

Alex was bewildered. Since the alien came, she has been nothing but rude and hateful towards her. Still, the alien, Kara, was nice in times of need and even in those that didn't really matter. She felt a pang of guilt. It struck her across the heart. Kara had just saved her. She recalled every bad word she had uttered about her, the things she had told her friends about Kara.

As she collected herself, she faced Kara, "Kara, I'm so, so very sorry for the way I acted towards you. You don't have to forgive me - "

"I have forgiven you," Kara said, her eyes lighting up as Alex mentioned her name. She knew at once that Kara never meant to steal the attention away from her. She was like a child. She had just been brought to Earth, and knew so little. She needed someone to care for her, to teach her the ways of the beings here. She realised, at that moment, that they were as alien to her as she was to them.

Alex smiled, a genuine smile, at the Kryptonian, the first since the day she met her. Kal looked between the two girls, before he ran into his house.

As he walked back out, dressed in completely new attire, a plaid shirt and a slim tie, he embraced Martha at the front door.

Alex extended a hand out to Kara, "Let's go, Kara."

Also grinning, Kara took her outstretched hand, at a controlled strength, of course, as the girls ran back to the Kents' house.

Martha, and her husband Jonathan Kent, was shocked at what they had just witnessed.

Another Super. On Earth.


As they sat down, Kal, or Clark, or whatever he went by, grabbed a few mugs and set them down for the two families.

"So, what's your name?"

Kara looked up from the cup she was facing. She looked at the woman, "My name is Kara Zor-El. I escaped from my home planet Krypton as it was getting destroyed, and now I'm here."

She dared a look at her cousin, "And I am his cousin."

Martha looked baffled, "You . . . escaped Krypton?"

"It seems like Kal got here way before I did. But, yes. I also hail from Krypton and I wish to make a home here."

She glanced over her shoulder at Alex, who Eliza was comforting.

Alex had scraped her palm. How hadn't she noticed?

" . . . are you?"

"What?" Kara whirled back around, "Are you older than Clark?"

She nodded. She went on to explain how she was stuck for 25 years in a place called the Phantom Zone, a place where time doesn't pass. Martha and Jonathan saw how uncomfortable Kara was feeling, and they smiled, telling her that Earth was a beautiful place and she would feel at home here. She just needed a family.

Family. Hers was on Krypton. They were possibly dead by now.

"So, I guess we are family. You're welcome here anytime you'd like, Kara."

Lighter. Kara felt lighter. She willed herself to stay on the ground, and she did.


Kara knew that she was going to live here now, so she would have to learn to live with it.

She trusted the Danvers. Eliza and Jeremiah occasionally caught her and Alex staying up, getting into trouble.


Later that year, during Christmastime, Kara was so excited. She had never seen snowfalls on Krypton. The thought of it thrilled her to bits.

She had learnt all about Earth's traditions by then, at least, the ones in America, where she lived.

As she handed her gifts to the rest of the family, she felt quite ashamed of how small they were as compared to the others.

To them all, she had only written a card and bought small Christmas trinkets from the shops nearby with her 'allowance'.

When she unwrapped her gift, she realised that they had all written cards, along with a disk. The Wizard of Oz. Her favourite show. Alex gave her a broad smile. She must have bought it.

Jeremiah and Eliza looked at the Kryptonian girl, "Kara, we would like to ask you a question: Would you like to be a part of our family?"

Kara gasped. This was the best gift ever. A year since she had met the Danvers, and she had grown fond of them.

"Yes, YES!" Kara nodded, her eyes beginning to tear. She finally had a home.

And as the Danvers took her under their custody, she knew one thing. She had a new family. One on Earth.

No longer Kara Zor-El, but Kara Danvers.


[A/N: So Now Kara and Alex are the sisters that we know and love. Honestly, I would never split the two like that, and I couldn't bear having them apart for too long, but I hope you enjoyed the story anyway. Let me know if there are people / characters you want to see or send me your questions. You can send me a private message or leave it in the comments!]

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