First tip: anotations

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Hello my fellow student! Welcome to the first tip in this book!  This tip is for online classes!

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Hello my fellow student! Welcome to the first tip in this book!  This tip is for online classes!

We all know that is super hard to concentrate in online classes, right? Its just like the teacher is speaking "Bla, bla, bla" and we really don't care until the online tests/exams when the teacher said that everything that is in the exam/test he explain. And we're just like:

"What the... I know that he explain this but i don't remember. Now, proaly, i'm gonna be bad in this exam/test"

We don't want that this happen right. Even if you cheat, the teacher may find out or not find out and, lets be honests, you're not going to be honest with yourself if you do this.

Well, for this not happen i gave you the first tip: have a notebook and a pen or a video recorder. 

With your notebook and pen, you can make some notes about something important that yur teacher said. It dosen't have to be pretty like the studygrams show, it have to be good to  understand and useful for you.

If you don't like to write or you are too much lazy for doing this, you can simply dowload a app that record video, so, you put it to recorder when the classes starts and, when the classes end, you stop it and done! You have your whole class recorded and you can watch many times, make anotations withouth worry that you i'll lose the explanation and you can study using the video.

I don't do anotations that much in online classes but, they are pretty useful. Mainly when you want to study or make a summary of the subject that you are learning, but this dependes of the person.

I hope that you liked of the first tip! Comment if you have used and if worked or no or if you're gonna use!

Till next tip!

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