Sixth tip(s): how to prepare yourself for an apresentation

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Welcome fellow student to the sixth tip in this guide! Today the tip of today is about how to prepare yourself for an apresentention of an school/university work

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Welcome fellow student to the sixth tip in this guide! Today the tip of today is about how to prepare yourself for an apresentention of an school/university work.

Well, let's start: the first tip i give to you is search and learn very well about the subject that you will talk about it. Be sure that you know most that your teacher asked you to do in thw work: it has an 99% chance that, if you talk a litte bit more, you will receive some extra points.

The second tip is: if you are a litte shy or you have fear to say something random in the middle of explanation, try to pratice talk in front of your computer or me: it will be easier to you because, when you apresent your work, you will be a litte more relaxed and more confident to talk.

The third tip is: if you are feeling very anxious or you are having an ansiety attack/boderline attack/an depression crisis/other more crisis or attacks, don't apresent your work. You can retrieve your note after, your mental health is in the first place. Try talk with your teacher/counseler after you really feel better. You are in first place, always remember of that.

You are loved

People care about you

If you don't think that, hi i am people

Please, take care of yourself. Not for me, but for you.

Remember: stay hydrated, you are loved and you are stunning.

Remember: stay hydrated, you are loved and you are stunning

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