Third tip: apps/sites blocker

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Hello fellow student! How are you? I really hope that you are very good

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Hello fellow student! How are you? I really hope that you are very good.

Today, the third tip is: apps/sites blocker that may can help you to focus in studying or in concentrating while watching online classes!

"But what it is an apps/sites blocker?"

Like it saids, "it is what it is". Basically, is an app/extension that block the sites that you want to, you basically, usually, just need to insert the links of the sites that you want to block for an certain time and done. Whenever you want to acess that site, i'll appear that is blocked and that if you need to acess him, you need to access the site/app and desblock them. And you're not going to do that because you know that you need to study hard and pay attention in classes because, unfortunaly but at same time fortunaly, you need to make money in future.

"Where do i find this apps or extension tho?"

If you want to dowload an app, just type in serach bar something like "app block", "study app block" that will appear many of them.

In the case of extension, just google "google extension store", and after you acess, type site block (or just go in most popular, i have seen an extesion of site block today , lol) and soon you will find it and you i'll just need to install.

Well, that was the third tip! I'm sorry that was a litte short, i'm studying very hard lately but, i promisse that will update this guide everyday. 

Thank you for reading the book and till tomorrow!

Thank you for reading the book and till tomorrow!

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