Fourth tip: stabilish an study schedule

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Hello my fellow student! Today i bring one more tip and i have an announce to make: i decided that this book will contain ten capther because i'm really focuing in school and, next year, i'm gonna to be in hig school so, i want to focus in another...

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Hello my fellow student! Today i bring one more tip and i have an announce to make: i decided that this book will contain ten capther because i'm really focuing in school and, next year, i'm gonna to be in hig school so, i want to focus in another things beside giving online school tips because, i hope that next year online school won't be an popular thing anymore.

Now, let's not talk about this anymore and yes about the fourth tip: stabilish an study schedule..

An study schedule is very important, mainly now with the online classes, to make an good time studying and to be organizaded to study many subjects for day

"But how i do an good study schedule"

An very efficient way to do schedules is, mostly, seeing what hors you're free and stabilish  hourars with some goals. Basically: you can do in an way you want that is efficent.

My study schedules are most like that: i study always in afternoon till night because i have classes in morning and i, always, study the most easiests subjects in the first 2 days of the week and in the other 3 days i study the subjects that i have some difficulties.

I like to, if i'm study more that one subject for day, study subejects that are...look-a-like. Like, if i want to study more that one subject for a day in an week that it's not close to the assigments, i study geography and history because the two subjects have somethings look-a-like.

I also, in my study schedule, like to stabilish goals, like: if i5 questions of math are right, i can look in my Twtitter for five minutes!

Well, in general do an good schedule and that you feel more confortable following"

Now, till next capther my fellow students and remember: sthay hydrated and you're loved

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