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Akaashi eventually met up with Kaiyo and Kenma, including Konoha which he requested for. (Y/n) was still unconscious, resting soundingly in his arms. He gently places her on the floor using his blazer as a pillow.

"Konoha, please check her condition." Akaashi fixes his gloves and reloads his gun.

Konoha rushes to her side and checks her pulse, "She's alive."

"No shit Sherlock." Kaiyo retorts. Kenma then glares her giving a 'shut-the-fuck-up' look making her click her tongue.

Akaashi ignores her and walks to Kenma, "How's Bokuto and them doing?"

"They're doing fine, Lev went to assist them. Now can you explain what happened?"

Akaashi sighs bringing his calloused hand up to his hair and ruffling it, creating more of a mess than it originally was. He was tired despite him not showing it, when (Y/n) got hurt he felt frustrated without knowing why. He had almost lost his calm demeanour during that fight over nothing. 

"(Y/n) managed to secure the USB. I'm not sure where it is, I didn't look for it."

"I'll tell Kaiyo to search for it later, she's too busy looking for the host." Kenma closes his laptop, making eye contact with Akaashi. "Now, why is (Y/n) unconscious?"

"I fought the host, I'm certain it was the host. I managed to permanently blind one side of his vision, but he escaped out the window with someone's help. And I believe that the person who had helped him escape caused (Y/n) to be unconscious."

Kaiyo perks her head up in realisation, "So he would've been gone ages ago?!"

"Most likely."

"Do you know his location though?"

"No. Why would I?"

Her brows knitted together, feeling irritated, she gave a dissatisfied groan while getting up and making her way to her passed out best friend forgetting about her gun positioned on the ground.

"Sorry about her. She's becomes a mother when it comes to (Y/n)." Kenma bows his head, apologising for his friends behaviour.

"It's alri-"

"What do you mean?!" It hadn't been a minute before Kaiyo shot up from the floor, shouting in a pissed off tone.

The two boys spun around to face an angry girl shouting, "She is drugged?!" They both shouted.

"Yeah, it's-"

The rest of the team consisting of Bokuto, Kuroo and Lev arrived, but they weren't noticed until Kuroo cuts off Konoha questioning, "Who is drugged?"

A familiar spiky haired boy peeks over Kuroo's shoulder, eyeing the female on the ground "Is that (Y/n)?" His eyes then widened after seeing Akaashi smothered in bruises all over his face and small patches dried crimson blood around his neck and predominately his pale cheeks. "Agaaashi! Are you okay?!" Bokuto hurriedly ran to his companion, grabbing a first aid kit while wailing his arms around in concern. He orbited Akaashi to examine his injuries from left to right, up and down.

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