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Few years ago.......

Third person Point of View.

"Ruby!!!!" A young petite woman in her mid twenties yelled for her young daughter.

"Come down already, you'll be late for breakfast." She added, when she didn't hear signs of her daughter.

Just when she was about to go get her daughter by herself she heard her little feet padding the wooden floor.

"What took your time honey?" The woman asked her little, cute, chubby four year old, who was beautifully dressed in her cliche pink dress.

"Mom, I'm scared." Little Ruby squeaked, bitting her bottom lip.

"And why is that sweetie?" The woman asked softly, placing her fingers on Ruby's cheeks.

"We just moved here, I'm scared that no one would love me like my other school. What if there are bad guys there?" Little Ruby asked her mom.

The woman chuckled and ruffled her daughter's hip length red fiery hair.

"You're watching a lot of movies, baby. Nothing will happen to you. You're safe okay?" She assured her daughter.

Ruby reluctantly agreed, and finally started eating her breakfast.

Almost thirty minutes later, Ruby reached the school premises. After much kisses and assurance, Ruby finally left her mom's side and joined the teacher into the classroom.

"Everyone, this is Ruby Decker. She's our new friend and classmate. Ruby, would you like to say something?" The kind looking teacher asked Ruby softly.

Ruby shook her head and ducked her head in a shy manner.

"Okay then. Let's get you a seat" She led Ruby to a seat at the corner.

Just when Ruby was about to get settled, another teacher came into the class and demanded the attention of Ruby's teacher. Leaving the class void of any adult.

"Hey fat girl" A voice said behind her, throwing a folded paper at the back of her neck.

"You're so ugly and fat" the same voice insulted making other students laugh and mock her.

Ruby turned to the voice, and met the icy grey orbs of a young boy her age. He was cute. For certain.

"Thank you" Ruby said, smiling cheekily.

The young boy's face scrunched to a mess of surprise and confusion.

"I just called you a bad name, and you say what? thank you?" The young boy asked, raising his perfect eyebrows up.

Ruby shrugged. "It's fine, I'm fat anyways. I'm Ruby, and you are?" Ruby stuck out her hand for a handshake trying not to laugh at the face her bully was keeping.

To her surprise, he held her hand and shook it. "Russell. Russell Knight. Welcome to our class" his soft, young voice told her.

That's the prologue guys.

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