Chapter 2

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Today have been hectic to say the least. I just needed my bed. The agencies, and then business associates who think I'm the lord of all businesses haven't given me a space of breath.

I'm starting to regret why I didn't follow Ruby's advise on just modelling. That is way easier than being a CEO of a multinational company.


I turned my head to the female voice who called. My assistant.

"Go on" I requested. I didn't hear anything, not like I cared.

"The meeting with the Japanese investors has been scheduled. They asked if you would go to them or they would....."

"Let them come to me. Is that all?" I asked, brushing my hair out of my eye.

"That's all Sir." She answered, nodding her head.

"You can leave" I announced rather grumpingly.( If that's even a word)

It wasn't even thirty seconds after she left, the tone of my signature iPhone ringtone blared.

I checked the caller ID, and the frown line instantly decreased. She could put a smile on my face anytime, that was her magic.

"CEO!" I greeted happily, the moment i picked.

She groaned, making me chuckle."Russ, I'll give you a million dollar if you stop calling me that" She said.

I laughed. "I'm a rich man, Ruby" I stated.

I knew she was rolling her light gray  eyes right now. "Whatever, ass. I called to remind you about today's surprise for Spencer." She told me.

Oh yeah. Today was Spencer's birthday. The guy hardly has time for himself, so Tricia suggested we threw him a surprise birthday party. With just the five of us present.

I almost forgot.

"Oh, I totally didn't forget" I replied.

"Yeah, you jackass lying fool. That's why I called, and remember don't be late." She added, making her voice higher.

"Jesus, you call me different awful names everyday. I won't be late, Ruby. Besides my penthouse is the location, why should I be late?" I added.

"Seriously? You really wanna go there? You were late for your own inauguration party!! Why? Your d**k was buried in your aunt's bestfriend pussy" she reminded, adding laughter to annoy me more.

I groaned. "I hate you" I glared at the pile of papers on my desk, wishing she was the one. She will never stop teasing me for that.

It was just one stupid mistake.

Her laughter rang through the device. "And I love you so much, Russell Samuel Knight. See you" and she hung up.

I shook my head as a smile came through my face.

Ruby Decker. My bestfriend.

Our first encounter wasn't very good. My first thought was to bully the new girl, but she turned out to be such a cutie and a nice person too.

The once chubby and gluttony kid now has a drool worthy body. And I'm not even exaggerating.

At the age of twenty-four, Ruby had a killer body. She was tall, slender and had all the curves in all the best places. Her red hair and gray eyes always stood out. Its a surprise that we've been bestfriends for so long and we haven't had any sexual encounter, not even once.


Okay once.

One time we were both drunk, and I kissed her. She didn't say anything the next morning so I figured she didn't remember. She was like a forbidden apple. My forbidden apple. My bestfriend.

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