II. Dark Thorns

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Sakura, Naruto & Sasuke - 6 years old
Izumi & Itachi  - 12 years old
Uchiha Shisui - 15 years old
Uchiha Obito & Hatake Kakashi - 21 years old



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In a spacious unlit cave, Rabenda walks down to the dark wide hallway, carefully not tipping herself into an opaque path whilst carrying the unconscious little pinkette.

She attains the destination, letting her mind power to control to lighting up torches displayed each side on upper part cemented walls. This was her secret hideout that made ages ago after she exiled herself from Konohagakure. So far, enemies never discovered it due that she embedded a special ninjutsu seal outside of the cave that any normal and even extraordinary people will never be able to discover the cave's location.

Rabenda then let the little pinkette gently lays onto the brown, soft old but clean futon and caresses her pale hand into Sakura's face.

"Awakened." as Rabenda says the word, Sakura begins to blink her eyes slowly until she remembers the last time had happened to them. The pinkette immediately stands in an upright position and quickly embraced Rabenda tightly.

"'J-ji-chan! Where...are we?" She broke away and staring up to her aunt in a fret. "Are you alright?"

Rabenda nodded with her calm but weak smile. "Very much my dear. Don't be too worried about me."

"Are they the ones who hurt you?" The little girl asked anxiously.

The older Uchiha woman again, feeling a pang of guilt towards this innocent young mother of hers. Sadly, those creatures will go to exterminate the innocent pinkette.

"Y-yes... I'm so sorry if I dragged you to this. I promise you're in safe hands now." She answered.

"jii-chan why you couldn't just ask for protection from the Kazegake? Or even Chiyo baa-chan and Sasori-nii?" Emerald little eyes begin to wet, "J-ii-chan...W-we can't hide like this anymore!" Sakura sniffs, trying to conceal her tears.

It took a moment of silence. Rabenda touches her hands gently onto her face. She deliberately shook her head, " I don't want them all to get into trouble, my dear. I...have to do this all by my-"

"-ourselves. Of course, I'm gonna help you, shannarroo!." Sakura cut her off.

Rabenda was first startled, then her soft smile embarks to express and sighs. 'As always...Okaa-chan is a persistent one.' Then a chuckled releases from hers.

"What's so funny???" Sakura tilted her head, then begins to bloat her left cheek and scowled at her.

But then, Rabenda turned a bolt of shock, face swivel led to dark after she senses a sudden incoming dark familiar chakra. Sakura turned to puzzled, " Jii-chan?"

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