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Characters (9)

Alex Chavez - Childish, annoying, often rude, and not very good in terms of academics. However, what sets him apart from others is his heart of gold.

Kaitlyn Saldana - Textbook nerd who often has issues in terms of socialization. She's can be a bit awkward but always has good intentions. Tons of daddy issues though.

Cody Bentley - The cool kid on the block who is known for his love of all things Japanese. Always caring.

Monet von Wallace III - What one may assume as the popular girl turns out to be a motherly figure. Somewhat of a manic pixie dream girl.

Dennis McAdams - A socially awkward geek who tries his best to fit in with the crowd.

Emily Kori - Often bored and tired, she is a spanner in her works. Hates high school with a burning passion.

Justin LaMarr - The bus driver with an infamous past

Jordan Saldana - Kaitlyn's problematic father who seems to care very little for his daughter's wellbeing.

Principal Barbera Panganiban - The principal of Atterwood High who is quite a controversial figure in regards to how she treats adolescence. 

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