Scene 3 - Part 2

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Emily doesn't respond. After a few awkward seconds, she realizes that Alex is talking to her. She removes her headphones and looks confused.


What did I do? Other than knowing you're noisy and annoying, I barely know you, dude.


You're a metalhead, right? Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Oasis?

EMILY (sarcastically)

Holy crap, Sherlock! How did you do that?


Boomers hate that stuff. They say that it's satanic and all. May the power of Christ compel heavy metal music. Principal P never appreciated your taste, did she?


That's true. She can never seem to get off of me. Always berating me, as if that'll change me.


And you're the only senior here! Isn't that supsicious? Where are all the people in your grade?


Alex, don't be stupid. She's in the same grade as us.


Really? She looks so... old...


She's in the other class. Sure we don't see her often but that should be basic knowledge.


For a school that tries to promote unity, they do a pretty crappy job with the whole split concept.


Buddy, it's not that hard to use common sense. The totalitarianists only allow us to be absent for five days every school year. I maxed out early so I gotta go to this pointless last day if I want to leave this dump.


Such a rebel, eh? Skipping class to do the ol' Mary Jane with your dealer?


Back off, jerk. My granddad passed away and I had to attend his funeral for a week. That's all.

Cody walks over to Alex and whispers in his ear.

CODY (whispers)

She's telling the truth, Alfonso. Change the subject.


Wasn't Spotify blocked by IT last week?


Ah, yes. Leave it to Atterwood High to get rid of the one outlet students have to unwind after a stressful day. (beat) I don't even like going here. Once I graduate freshman year, I'm gone. No point in me sabatoging my chance of freedom for some petty make-believe feud.


Oh, definitely, Emily. I never got why they blocked it. What's the harm with listening to a few songs during recess?


It's a waste of time, Cody. You could've spent those crucial 20 minutes doing your chemistry homework. The school only wants the best from it's students, y'know?


Well, there's a fine line between succeeding in class and mental health. Music is therapuetic, y'know?

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