End Of A Multiverse (fgod)

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Of course anyone would panic if they were stuck in a endless white void. Even worse when they were stuck with the destroyer of universes.

Looking around, Error could only see about ten to twenty Sanses. They were all sitting away from him. Most of them were knocked out, only Nightmare and Cross were awake.

The multiverse was destroyed  only leaving them. It only took a week. This was Error's fault, Ink attacked him after downing all of the red vial. His arms were ripped off and his legs shattered. His arms were still healing, he had to resort to using strings as replacements. He should have been stronger. He should of-

"-ror? Error, are you okay?"
Nightmare was sitting next to him with a hand on his shoulder or at least what was left of it. "I failed.." Error mumbled the words.
Nightmare pulled the smaller closer. "Don't say that, you couldn't have done anything."

Nightmare was much nicer than the council led people to believe. He took in the gang after he saw them suffering, he even only spread negativity for the balance.

Only now did Error realize that all of Sanses  (and two Papyri) minus Ink were awake. Ink, Dream, Classic, Stretch, Sci, Edge, Reaper, Geno, Fresh, Blue, Nightmare, and all four of the Bad Sanses. They had separated into four groups. The Bad Sanses, The Council, Reaper and Geno, and then Fresh.

Ink was now awake. Fuck.

"What happened?" Stretch answered. "The multiverse is gone." Ink quickly sat up and locked eyes with Error and screeched. "Error, WHY?" "Ink, has the paint gotten to your head? I don't know if you noticed but, Error. Doesn't. Have. Arms."

"How did that happen..? My stars."
"You tore them off jackass." Error deadpanned.
Dream looked between Ink and Error horrified.
"Ink.. What the hell?!"
"Uh.. Sorry?"
Sci piped up, "So, um, if Error didn't do it, who did?"
"There's an totes unradical balance, bruh and Inky-bro tipped it."
"There's a what?" "A balance, it was in the handbook to the multiverse? Even Fresh has one."
"There was a handbook?" "No it's a joke but yeah there's a balance."

360 words
Sorry it's shitty I wrote this at 3AM

Guess who's back (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

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