Plushie~ Pt. 1

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"Since you haven't been destroying any AUs," Ink continued after a small pause.
"I made you a present!"

"..Is this another bomb..?"

He said a quick no before shoving a navy blue box with a red ribbon into Error's hands and then portaled away.

Error sighed.

The box didn't feel heavy enough to be anything dangerous, but after fighting Ink for eons.
He learnt not to doubt him.

He pulled off the lid, it was a baby blue cat plush with a white bow around its neck. The insides of the ears and the paws were white. The eyes were kind of creepy, but over all it was adorable. He took it out and sat it against it's box so it wouldn't fall over.

He should get back to knitting before Ink starts creating again. He quickly pulls over his box of knitting supplies. (146 words)


One important thing Error didn't know,

the cat plush was a camera.

The Council watched dumbfounded. Error, the destroyer of universes, the god of destruction, and biggest threat of the multiverse and the murderer of billions of innocents, was knitting with an oversized pair of glasses on.

"You know, he looks kinda inno-"

"Lust, no."

Lust looked back at the screen after Red told him off.

"🎵 I don't wanna fucking be here anymore,

I'm leaving forever, if you'll miss me whatever, I don't care.

I'm tired of your face and the way that you ha-🎵"

Any Sanses that were asleep or not paying attention were brought back by Error's phone ringing. He picked up the call.

"What's up?"

"Yeah sure, what AU?"
Ink cringed.
"Yea, love you too."

Error opened a portal, but made no move to use it. But, a Sans that looked almost exactly like Dream stepped through. Only missing the cape, crown and the tunic and pants being purple.

"Uh, sorry for calling on such short notice.."

"It's fine."

"I didn't want the gang seeing me, like this."

Dream seemed spaced out.

"Hey, is that guy with the baddies?"

"Yea.. I thought he was gone-"

Dream was cut off mid sentence by Ink.


"Tha- that's Nightmare- Before the 'Apple Incident'-

Once again, cut off, this time by Classic.

"Puberty hit hard? Huh.."

"Is that really appropriate fo-"

Poor Dream.

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