Hope's family comes for a visit

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Hope goes to Alaric and says" My family is coming down tomorrow because I told them about me being pregnant and you already know Landon told Raf." Alaric said" Ok but you have to keep them in line." Hope said" Okay I will." Then Hope goes to Landon and tells him" Tomorrow you're going to meet my family." It's the next morning and Hope's family calls her and tells her "We're in Mystic Falls and are almost to the school." Hope says "Okay me and Landon will be in front of the gate to let you in." Then she said "Y'all better be nice." Her family got to the front gate Hope and Landon were standing there and they typed in the code and Hope's family drove to the parking lot. Hope and Landon had already beat them to the front door. Then Hope introduced them to Landon and then Hope told them what Alaric had said and then they went inside and it was the perfect day for Hope's family to come because it was family day there and everyone's family came. Landon went and grabbed Raf so he could meet Hope's family. Then Hope introduced her family to all her friends. Then they went out and everyone had a nice dinner and then sadly Hope's family had to leave early. Then 3 months had passed...

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